A news blocklist/filter list for the uBlacklist browser extension.
uBlacklist is a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome (and an app for macOS and iOS for Safari) that blocks specific sites from appearing in search results by Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and many other search engine websites.
This particular blocklist is for filtering out search results in the "News" sections of search engine sites. It is mostly for filtering out international (primarily Indian) news sources in Google News, DuckDuckGo News, and Bing News.
In addition, this blocklist blocks the msn.com (Microsoft Start) takeover of articles on DuckDuckGO/Bing News search. Their news search results can be especially annoying when so many of the links are to the "msn.com version" of an article, where it will prompt you with a button to "Continue reading on the app" (if on a phone/mobile).
(Note that it doesn't show or link to the article from the original website... It just blocks any news search result that is to msn.com.)
- Open the uBlacklist extension settings in your browser.
- Scroll down to the "Subscription" section.
- Click on "Add a subscription."
- Enter the following URL:
- Click "Add."
If you're using uBlacklist with Chrome, you can click here to add the subscription directly.
This blocklist is a neverending work in progress. If you'd like me to add new domains to the list (or if you find any false positives), please open a new issue.