- The project implements a JSON endpoint that serves the same information as displayed in the HTML endpoints for an arbitrary item in the catalog.
- Website reads category and item information from a database.
Does the website include a form allowing users to add new items and correctly processes these forms?
- Website includes a form allowing users to add new items and correctly processes submitted forms.
Does the website include a form to update a record in the database and correctly processes this form?
- Website does include a form to edit/update a current record in the database table and correctly processes submitted forms.
- Website does include a function to delete a current record.
- Create, delete and update operations do consider authorization status prior to execution.
- Page implements a third-party authentication & authorization service (like Google Accounts or Mozilla Persona) instead of implementing its own authentication & authorization spec.
- Make sure there is a 'Login' and 'Logout' button/link in the project. The aesthetics of this button/link is up to the discretion of the student.
- Code is ready for personal review and neatly formatted and compliant with the Python PEP 8 style guide.
- Comments are present and effectively explain longer code procedures.
- README file includes details of all the steps required to successfully run the application.
- Add CRUD functionality for image handling.
- Implement CSRF protection on your CRUD operations.