I'm a self-taught Full Stack Engineer with 4 years of experience in various projects (fintech, ad-tech, ERP, B2B, B2C) working with React, NextJS, Node, and AWS (also Azure & GCP).
Technologies 🧑💻
- React (CRA, NextJS)
- Node (AWS Lambda, Express, Nest)
- DB ORMs (Sequelize, Knex, Prisma)
- GraphQL
- MySQL/SQL Server
AWS Services i used ☁️
- CloudFormation
- Cognito
- Lambda
- API Gateway
- EC2
- CloudWatch
- EventBridge
- CloudSearch
- CloudFront
- Some another one
My personal proyects 🛠
- portfolio - My own portfolio website made with NextJS & ChakraUI
- wazuh-backend - Wazuh Work Interview Technical Task - Serverless stack
- wazuh-frontend - Wazuh Work Interview Technical Task - CRA frontend
- serverlist - CRUD app to show custom servers info
- weatherapp-api - Check any city weather dynamicly
- storeapp-api - storeapp API repo
- storeapp - Full Stack practice proyect, trying to replicate a app store
- ejercfinalmtbonus - Work challenge bonus exercise (for MerlionTechs)
- ejercfinalmt - Work challenge exercise (for MerlionTechs)
- olimpiadasinet - INET Programming Olympics exercise
- almafuerte - Website for my school
Email: hello@bcaruso.dev
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brunocarusok/
Portfolio: https://www.bcaruso.dev