Brandon Callender Tasnim Rahman Anthony Crespo
To run:
- cd impl
- chmod a+x
- ./
- source ~/.bashrc
- mvn install
- cd target
- run chistributed
Brandon: ZMQ, requestVote, requestVote Response, Stable storage database management, JSON/message handling scaffolding Anthony: AppendEntries, AppendEntriesResponse, log/commit logic/management Tasnim: State Transition management, client GET/SET state data management
ALL: Debugging, Refactoring/Fixing major architectural flaws that became evident.
Occasionally, the -- --force-leader and -- --force role commands will not result in the selected node staying the leader -- another node might time out waiting on a heartbeat from the leader node if it is spawned by chistributed at an awkward time window.
There is a narrow window in which if a leader is partitioned/failed after committing a value but before telling the other nodes its been committed, when the new leader is elected, it may send out a duplicate set response -- this doesn't effect safety, it will never fail a commit a leader has already said was committed, but is technically a flaw