Our platform aims to make notes easier to find for students. We understand that some content may be copyrighted, and we apologize in advance if we inadvertently infringe on any copyright. Our goal is to provide a helpful resource for students, not to infringe on anyone's rights.
If you believe that any content on our platform infringes on your copyright, please submit a takedown request using the form below. We will review your request and take down the content if necessary.
Field | Description |
Infringing URL | The URL of the content you want to be removed |
Source URL | The original URL of the content |
Description of Ownership | A description of how you own the content and how it was stolen |
We will review all takedown requests and verify the ownership of the content. If the request is valid, we will remove the content from our platform.
If we find that the content infringes on your copyright, we will remove it from our platform. We will also make sure to keep a record of all correspondence and documentation related to the takedown request.
You can do this through a git Pull Request, or a Github Issue to the content repo