gozer destroys tweets.
You will need to create a twitter app, and generate an access token for your account at twitters developer site.
You may use a pre-compiled release or compile as below with ghc/cabal.
- Checkout this repo
- Make a cabal sandbox:
cabal sandbox init
- Get the dependencies:
cabal install --only-dependencies
- For faster dependency installs, newer cabals support
, ie.: cabal install -j8 --only-dependencies
- Compile:
cabal build
You should now have a gozer
binary under dist/build/gozer
Create a config file:
access_token = YOUR_TOKEN
access_token_secret = YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET
api_key = API_KEY
api_secret = API_SECRET
duration = 60 # How old (in days) tweets to delete should be
username = twitter # twitter username
minimum_tweets = 1500 # (Optional) Minimum tweets to retain
Then run it:
$ gozer config.ini
Tweets will be deleted.