The Campaign Monitor extension allows you to add subscribers to your Campaign Monitor lists via Symphony events.
- Version: 0.9.1
- Date: 18th February 2011
- Requirements: Symphony 2.0.6 or newer,
- Author: Brendan Abbott [], Rowan Lewis []
- GitHub Repository:
- Upload the 'campaign_monitor' folder in this archive to your Symphony 'extensions' folder.
- Enable it by selecting the "Campaign Monitor", choose Enable from the with-selected menu, then click Apply.
- You can now add the "Campaign Monitor" filter to your Events.
- Go to your Campaign Monitor account and get your API Key (Account Settings). Add this to the preferences page.
- Create an event and attach the Campaign Monitor filter to the Event
- In your Campaign Monitor account, find the list that you want to add Subscribers to and find it's List ID (change name/type)
- Create your form in the XSLT and at minimum add three input fields,
The $field-name
syntax will get the value of the when posting to C+S.
<input name="campaignmonitor[list]" value="{$your-list-id}" type="hidden" />
<input name="campaignmonitor[field][Name]" value="$field-name" type="hidden" />
<input name="campaignmonitor[field][Email]" value="$field-email" type="hidden" />
You can add custom fields exactly the same way:
<input name="campaignmonitor[field][Name]" value="$field-name" type="hidden" />
<input name="campaignmonitor[field][CustomFieldHandle]" value="$field-custom-field" type="hidden" />
If you want to merge any existing Custom Field data from a Subscriber record, say a Select (Many) custom field, you do so with:
<input name="campaignmonitor[merge]" value="Name of Custom Field1, Name of CustomField2" type="hidden" />
0.9.1 (18th February 2011)
- Added ability to merge existing subscriber records by field.
- Minor code cleanup
0.9 (7th February 2011)
- Initial Public Release