Terraform Modules For Terragrunt
See Also:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Install terraform
- Install terragrunt
Put terragrunt component on your infrastructure as code repository.
|-- infrastructure
| | |-- terraform-helm-metrics-server
| | |-- main.tf
| | `-- variables.tf
| | |-- terraform-helm-kubernetes-dashboard
| | |-- main.tf
| | `-- variables.tf
| | `-- terraform-helm-nginx-ingress-controller
| | |-- main.tf
| | `-- variables.tf
| |-- terragrunt
| | |-- components
| | | |-- kubernetes-dashboard
| | | | |-- provider.hcl
| | | | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| | | |-- metrics-server
| | | | |-- provider.hcl
| | | | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| | | `-- nginx-ingress-controller
| | | |-- provider.hcl
| | | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| | |-- accounts
| | | `docker-desktop.yaml
| | |-- _templates
| | | |-- backend-local.tpl
| | | `-- backend-tfc.tpl
| | |-- live
| | | |-- bayudwiyansatria
| | | | |-- docker-desktop
| | | | | |-- dev
| | | | | | |-- metrics-server
| | | | | | | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| | | | | | |-- kubernetes-dashboard
| | | | | | | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| | | | | | `-- nginx-ingress-controller
| | | | | | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| | | | | |-- stag
| | | | | `-- prod
| | | | `-- aws
| | | | |-- dev
| | | | | |-- metrics-server
| | | | | | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| | | | | |-- kubernetes-dashboard
| | | | | | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| | | | | `-- nginx-ingress-controller
| | | | | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| | | | |-- stag
| | | | `-- prod
| | | `-- other-account
| | | |-- docker-desktop
| | | | `-- prod
| | | `-- aws
| | `-- terragrunt.hcl
| `-- terraform
| |-- metrics-server
| | `-- main.tf
| |-- nginx-ingress-controller
| | `-- main.tf
| `-- kubernetes-dashboard
| `-- main.tf
|-- README.md
Cloning Project
git clone git@github.com:bayudwiyansatria/terraform-modules.git terraform
Or you can use submodule to get updates from community
git submodule add git@github.com:bayudwiyansatria/terraform-modules.git terraform
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
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We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Copyright © 2017 - 2022 Public Use. All Rights Reserved.
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc