The objective of the BatML specification is to provide standardized format for definition of all the necessary information for battery performance and safety modeling. The overall design for the BatML is given in [@Fig:batml-structure] below. The BatML Schema establishes the main structure for the BatML data files and enables data validation and consistency checking. BatML files can contain databases and models with default values or with company proprietary information. For e.g., Dow-Kokam or Johnson Controls can provide a database of their cell- sandwich properties that an OEM can directly use in their models. Several examples based on open literature for standard battery materials and components have been developed and made available to the project partners. The graphic workflow environment described later in this documentation (ICE) uses these Schemas and Databases along with any additional user input to create a BatML input file. This XML file can either be used directly by simulation packages or through translators that transform this input into native formats read by the different software components.
{#fig:batml-structure width=4.0in}
The top-level structure of the Battery ML Schema (available at the CAEBAT project website is shown in [@Fig:batml-schema]. Here we define a battery component type that contains the base components such as anode, cathode, electrolyte, separator, current collectors. These base components are used to build higher-level components such as cell-sandwich, cell, module, pack, parts (e.g., busbar, cooling fins). Each of these components can contain additional sub-components, as their definition is dependent on the form of model used. For e.g., the cell-sandwich definition will depend on the model for electrochemical component. The Cell can be further specified as Cylindrical cell, Prismatic cell, etc. To enable this flexibility, we picked the relational data model (hierarchical data model will also be implemented in the language). The main considerations for selecting the relational versus hierarchical data model were:
- Batteries have very deep hierarchy and the hierarchical data model will lead to considerable duplication of the data
- Relational data model provides the flexibility to quickly modify the hierarchies of the models and add new components
- Relational approach requires that all the references to the data exist and that the model is self- contained. This does not impose a strong limitation because the input files will be primarily manipulated using GUI and not by user editing of the XML files.
- Cross referencing in relational data model drastically reduce data duplication and the corresponding risk for errors
{#fig:batml-schema width=3.0in}
Once the DualFoil model has been selected, it can be further subdivided into different components of the cell sandwich. The Battery ML schema imports the cell-sandwich schema (whose structure is shown in [@Fig:batml-components] and can be downloaded from the project’s web site) that further specifies the details of its components. Similar hierarchical expansion can be used to define cell, module, pack, etc. Current implementation contains the above battery hierarchy. Translators between BatML and other input formats of CAEBAT partners have been developed with the final goal of BatML becoming a standard. [@Fig:batml-ecpower] compares the EC Power input and conversion to BatML. Similar translators have been developed for Text Battery Model (.tbm) files (BDS/CD Adapco), .svm files (NREL MatLab model), as well as ANSYS input. We keep the project’s website up to date with the latest version of the schema, corresponding documentation and examples, schema validation tools, etc.