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GitHub Actions Runner Controller

Deploys actions-runner-controller.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.15
helm ~> 2.4


Name Version
helm ~> 2.4


No modules.


Name Type
helm_release.release resource


Name Description Type Default Required
api_cache_duration Set the cache period for API calls. Defaults to syncPeriod - 10s. string "" no
auth_method GitHub authentication method to be deployed. string "pat" no
auth_secret_annotations Set the annotations of the auth secret. map(any) {} no
auth_secret_created Create Kubernetes secrets to authenticate with GitHub API. bool false no
auth_secret_name Set the name of the auth secret. string "controller-manager" no
chart_labels Set labels to apply to all resources in the chart. map(any) {} no
chart_name Helm chart name to provision. string "actions-runner-controller" no
chart_namespace Namespace to install the chart into. string "default" no
chart_namespace_create Create the namespace if it does not yet exist. bool false no
chart_repository Helm repository for the chart. string "" no
chart_timeout Timeout to wait for the Chart to be deployed. number 300 no
chart_version Version of Chart to install. Set to empty to install the latest version. string "0.15.0" no
controller_affinity Set the controller pod affinity rules. map(any) {} no
controller_env Set environment variables for the controller container. map(any) {} no
controller_image_tag The tag of the controller container. string "v0.20.3" no
controller_node_selector Set the controller pod nodeSelector. map(any) {} no
controller_pod_annotations Set annotations for the controller pod. map(any) {} no
controller_pod_labels Set labels for the controller pod. map(any) {} no
controller_pod_security_context Set the security context to controller pod. map(any) {} no
controller_priority_class_name Set the controller pod priorityClassName. string "" no
controller_repository The repository/image of the controller container. string "summerwind/actions-runner-controller" no
controller_resources Set the controller pod resources. map(any) {} no
controller_security_context Set the security context for each container in the controller pod. map(any) {} no
controller_service_annotation Set annotations for the provisioned webhook service resource. map(any) {} no
controller_service_port Set controller service ports. string "443" no
controller_service_type Set controller service type. string "ClusterIP" no
controller_tolerations Set the controller pod tolerations. list(any) [] no
dind_sidecar_image_tag The tag of the dind sidecar container. string "dind" no
dind_sidecar_repository The repository/image of the dind sidecar container. string "docker" no
docker_registry_mirror The default Docker Registry Mirror used by runners. string "" no
github_app_id GitHub App ID. This can't be set at the same time as github_token string "" no
github_app_installation_id GitHub App Installation ID. This can't be set at the same time as github_token string "" no
github_app_private_key The multiline string of your GitHub App's private key. This can't be set at the same time as github_token string "" no
github_enterprise_url The URL of your GitHub Enterprise server, if you're using one. string "" no
github_token Your chosen GitHub PAT token. This can't be set at the same time as github_app_* string "" no
image_pull_policy The pull policy of the controller image. string "IfNotPresent" no
image_pull_secrets Specifies the secret to be used when pulling the controller pod containers. list(any) [] no
leader_election_id Set the election ID for the controller group. string "" no
log_level Set the log level of the controller container. string "" no
max_history Max History for Helm. number 20 no
metrics_proxy_enabled Deploy kube-rbac-proxy container in controller pod. bool true no
metrics_proxy_image_repository The repository/image of the kube-proxy container. string "" no
metrics_proxy_image_tag The tag of the kube-proxy container. string "v0.10.0" no
metrics_service_annotation Set annotations for the provisioned metrics service resource. map(any) {} no
metrics_service_monitor_enabled Whether to deploy serviceMonitor kind for for use with prometheus-operator CRDs. bool false no
metrics_service_monitor_labels Set labels to apply to ServiceMonitor resources. map(any) {} no
metrics_service_port Set port of metrics service. string "8443" no
release_name Helm release name. string "actions-runner-controller" no
replicas Set the number of controller pods. number 1 no
runner_image_tag The tag of the actions runner container. string "latest" no
runner_repository The repository/image of the actions runner container. string "summerwind/actions-runner" no
scope_single_namespace_enabled Limit the controller to watch a single namespace. bool false no
scope_watch_namespace Tells the controller and the GitHub webhook server which namespace to watch if scope.singleNamespace is true. string "" no
service_account_annotations Annotations to add to the service account. map(any) {} no
service_account_created Specifies whether a service account should be created. bool true no
service_account_name The name of the service account to use. string "" no
sync_period Set the period in which the controler reconciles the desired runners count. string "10m" no
webhook_server_affinity Set environment variables for the githubWebhookServer container. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_enabled Whether to deploy the webhook server pod. bool false no
webhook_server_image_pull_secrets Specifies the secret to be used when pulling the githubWebhookServer pod containers. list(any) [] no
webhook_server_ingress_annotations Set annotations for the githubWebhookServer ingress kind. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_ingress_enabled Whether to deploy an ingress kind for the githubWebhookServer. bool false no
webhook_server_ingress_hosts Set hosts for the githubWebhookServer ingress kind. string "" no
webhook_server_ingress_hosts_paths Set hosts paths for the githubWebhookServer ingress kind. list(any) [] no
webhook_server_ingress_tls Set tls configuration for the githubWebhookServer ingress kind. list(any) [] no
webhook_server_log_level Set the log level of the githubWebhookServer container. string "" no
webhook_server_node_selector Set the githubWebhookServer pod nodeSelector. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_pod_annotations Set annotations for the githubWebhookServer pod. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_pod_labels Set labels for the githubWebhookServer pod. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_pod_security_context Set the security context to githubWebhookServer pod. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_priority_class_name Set the githubWebhookServer pod priorityClassName. string "" no
webhook_server_replicas Set the number of webhook server pods. number 1 no
webhook_server_resources Set the githubWebhookServer pod resources. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_secret_created Whether to deploy the webhook hook secret. bool false no
webhook_server_secret_name Set the name of the webhook hook secret. string "github-webhook-server" no
webhook_server_secret_token Set the webhook secret token value. string "" no
webhook_server_security_context Set the security context for each container in the githubWebhookServer pod. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_service_account_annotations Set annotations for the githubWebhookServer service account. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_service_account_created Whether to deploy the githubWebhookServer under a service account. bool true no
webhook_server_service_account_name The name of the githubWebhookServer service account to use. string "" no
webhook_server_service_annotations Set annotations for the githubWebhookServer service. map(any) {} no
webhook_server_service_node_port Set githubWebhookServer service nodePort. string "" no
webhook_server_service_port Set githubWebhookServer service port. string "80" no
webhook_server_service_type Set githubWebhookServer service type. string "ClusterIP" no
webhook_server_sync_period Set the period in which the controller reconciles the resources. string "10m" no
webhook_server_toleration Set the githubWebhookServer pod tolerations. list(any) [] no


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