issues Search Results · repo:baruch/b3603 language:C
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inbaruch/b3603 (press backspace or delete to remove)The approach is a different one: not reprogram the STM, but replace the board by a TTGO module on a adapter PCB, which
provides a gorgeous display, Internet connectivity and thousands of features... ...
- Opened on Aug 23, 2021
- #22
Is there any known protocol to control CC and CV? I bought a D3806 which has the same control board as the b3603 and
hoped to be able to control it like described here: ...
- 2
- Opened on Nov 10, 2020
- #21
Hi, I received this power supply just a few days ago and it s a great little first lab bench power supply. I quite also
like the DPS style power supply but they have several points that I don t really ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 3, 2019
- #20
Hello, Can you provide some how to about the byte options to flash the the *.ihx hex? I flash the STM8 with ST-LINK with
ST Visual Programmer, but in the display only shows random digit from 6 to 8 in ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 4, 2018
- #19
The board responds correctly to setting voltage, current, etc., but there is almost no physical reaction. The only thing
that changes is CC/CV/OUT LED state. It happens not because power source, laboratory ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 3, 2017
- #17
When I plug in power source, only first display from the right shows numbers. Those I think are random, but it is to
- 4
- Opened on Sep 3, 2017
- #16
I ve programmed a fresh STM8S with provided code, but it looks like there is no response from board when it starts or
when I write to it through serial port. CC (yellow) LED is always on. I ve tested my ...
- 5
- Opened on Aug 17, 2017
- #15
After running make I get this:
CC main.c
CC display.c
CC uart.c
CC eeprom.c
CC outputs.c
CC config.c
CC fixedpoint.c
CC parse.c
CC adc.c
LINK b3603.ihx
Code is too large, it is 8570 bytes
Makefile:12: ...
- 6
- Opened on Aug 2, 2017
- #14
When I tried to communicate with the unit through a script I had to put sleeps between characters being written or data
was lost. The polling rate of the unit is too slow to handle the required speeds. ...
- Opened on Feb 27, 2015
- #13
When using five 100ohm resistors in parallel I tried to set the voltage to 7V and the current to 0.01A, the voltage was
at around 1V and the current at 0.04A (the PWM is not calibrated yet) but it is definitely ...
- Opened on Feb 26, 2015
- #12

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