Threat Intelligence, Malware Analysis, Reverse Engineering, Incident Response, ... Blue teamer (mainly).
Yara-rules Public
Collection of private Yara rules.
DotNet-MetaData Public
Identifies metadata of .NET binary files.
PHP-backdoors Public
A collection of PHP backdoors. For educational or testing purposes only.
FARA Public
Repository that contains a set of purposefully erroneous Yara rules.
MaTiRe Public
Malware Analysis, Threat Intelligence and Reverse Engineering: LABS
MessageBoxTests Public
MessageBox files (EXE, DLL) for testing purposes.
dccwUACBypass Public
PowerShell script to bypass UAC using DCCW
Disable-Intel-AMT Public
Tool to disable Intel AMT on Windows
Cybercrime-Report-Template Public
Template to use when you've fallen victim of a cybercrime.