Bookpedia is a Compose Multiplatform application that runs on Android, iOS, and Desktop. It allows users to search for books, view their details, and manage their favorite book collection.
- When a book is searched, a request is made to the API using Ktor. The response is then mapped to the application's model using Kotlin Serialization.
- Book covers are displayed efficiently using the Coil image loading library.
- Dependencies are injected using Koin, following a modular and scalable architecture.
- Favorite books are stored locally in a Room Database, allowing offline access.
- If a book is already marked as a favorite, its details are retrieved from the local database instead of making an additional API request, reducing network usage.
- Compose Multiplatform
- Jetpack Compose
- Clean Architecture
- Koin
- Ktor
- Room
- Coil
- Coroutines
- Flow
- Navigation Component