Welcome! This repository was created for the ST 313 Ethics for Data Science Final Project at London School of Economics. The goal of our project was to explore the discrimination in algorithmic decision making using agent-based models.
- The repository contains agent-based modeling code using the mesa library. Source: https://mesa.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials/intro_tutorial.html#introductory-tutorial
- Models we used in producing the final results can be found in the folder "Models".
- Results are presented as graphs for the two cases we explored: Discrimination and Discrimination with Policy Intervention.
Abstract: The goal of this project is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships between algorithmic decision-making, discrimination and societal well-being. By considering the rationality of discriminatory practices in the pursuit of short-term profits, we aim to provide insights into the trade-offs and ethical considerations faced by companies when employing algorithms.