⚡️ Modern UI Design + Reveal Animations
⚡️ Made with React
⚡️ Fully Responsive
⚡️ Easily Customizable
⚡️ Well organized documentation
To view the demo: click here
- Professional way to showcase your work
- Increases your visibility and online presence
- better chance of getting work opportunity
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with NPM) installed on your computer.
Also, you can use Yarn instead of NPM ☝️
From your command line, first clone Dev Portfolio:
# Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/mayankagarwal09/dev-portfolio
# Move into the repository
$ cd dev-portfolio
# Remove the current origin repository
$ git remote remove origin
After that, you can install the dependencies either using NPM or Yarn.
Using NPM: Simply run the below commands.
# Install dependencies
$ npm install --force
# Start the development server
$ npm start
Using Yarn: Be aware of that you'll need to delete the package-lock.json
file if exists before executing the below commands.
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# Start the development server
$ yarn start
Once your server has started, go to this url http://localhost:3000/
to see the portfolio locally.
The page will reload if you make edits.
All customizable files are inside the public/
folder, organised mainly into public/images/
and public/profile/
contains all the image assets that can be customized on websitepublic/profile
contains all text and info inside json files that can be customized according to need
- Open
It has 2 keys, logo and sections.
"logo" : {
"source": "images/logo.png",
"height" : 45,
"width" : 50
"sections": [
"title": "Home",
"href": "/"
"title": "About",
"href": "/about"
"title": "Skills",
"href": "/skills"
"title": "Educations",
"href": "/Educations"
"title": "Certificates",
"href": "/certificates"
"title": "Experiences",
"href": "/experiences"
"title": "Projects",
"href": "/projects"
"title": "Resume",
"href": "https://drive.google.com/file/d/13kaPsdMNDsM4LV9g7m5-E5PTildp-yYf/view?usp=sharing",
"type": "link"
key | Description |
logo | image you want to show as brand image on NavBar. It can be also be a simple logo with just your intitials |
logo.source | path to the logo image |
logo.height | height of logo |
logo.width | width of logo |
sections | array of sections that you want to show on Navbar as links |
sections.title | title of the section |
sections.href | link to that section. Same as path mentioned in routes.json |
sections.type | Opens in a new tab if value is link. optional field |
- open
"sections": [
"component": "About",
"path": "/about",
"headerTitle": "About"
"component": "Skills",
"path": "/skills",
"headerTitle": "Skills"
"component": "Educations",
"path": "/Educations",
"headerTitle": "Educations"
"component": "Experience",
"path": "/experience",
"headerTitle": "Experience"
"component": "Projects",
"path": "/projects",
"headerTitle": "Projects"
key | Description |
sections | array of sections that you want to create route for |
sections.component | name of the Component. No need to change it unless you want to customize the entire Component. |
sections.path | route for the particular section. this is the path where the particular section will be accessible |
sections.headerTitle | title to be shown on the top of that section page |
- For component customization, create a component of your own inside
and use name of that component here.
- open
"name": "Your Name",
"roles": ["a Developer", "a Freelancer"]
key | Description |
name | your name |
roles | string array separated by , . mention your roles here |
- open
"social": [
"network" : "linkedin",
"href": "https://linkedin.com/"
"network" : "github",
"href": "https://github.com/"
"network" : "email",
"href": "mailto:test@test.com"
key | Description |
social | array of social links |
social.network | network name as provided in react-social-icons |
social.href | link for particular social network |
- we are using react-social-icons here. you can visit it to see all available social icons to use
- open
"about": " This is where you can describe about **yourself**.",
"imageSource": "images/about/profile.png"
key | Description |
about | write about yourself, your works and goals here. markdown supported |
imageSource | path to your profile image. (recommended size 400 x 450) |
- open
"intro": "I love to learn new things and experiment with new technologies.\nThese are some of the major languages, technologies, tools and platforms I have worked with:",
"skills": [{
"title": "Languages",
"items" : [
"icon": "images/skills/java.png",
"title": "Java"
"icon": "images/skills/js.png",
"title": "JavaScript"
"title": "Frameworks & Technologies",
"items" : [
"icon": "images/skills/react.png",
"title": "React"
"title" : "Tools & Platforms",
"items": [
"icon": "images/skills/git.png",
"title": "Git"
key | Description |
intro | small introduction line related to your skills. markdown supported |
skills | array containing skills under different categories |
skills.title | title for category under which you want to list particular skills |
skills.items | array containing skills for this category |
skills.items.icon | path to skill logo |
skills.items.title | title of skill |
- many pre existing skill logos are available inside
- open
"title": "Jun 20XX - Jun 20YY",
"cardTitle": "B.Tech, Computer Science",
"cardSubtitle":"XYZ University, City",
"cardDetailedText": "CGPA - 9.5",
"icon" : {
"src": "images/Educations/lorem-ipsum.png"
"title": "Apr 20XX",
"cardTitle": "High School",
"cardSubtitle":"ABC School, City",
"cardDetailedText": "Marks - 95%"
key | Description |
Educations | array containing Educations history of a person |
Educations.title | date range during which this Educations was pursued or passing date |
Educations.cardTitle | degree or course name |
Educations.cardSubtitle | school or institute name |
Educations.cardDetailedText | extra info such as marks or cgpa |
Educations.icon | icon shown on the timeline. optional field |
Educations.icon.src | path to icon |
- open
"experiences": [
"title": "Software Engineer",
"subtitle": "XYZ Ltd",
"workType": "Full-time",
"workDescription": [
"Integrated **2** new product.",
"Worked on adding **def** to **bcd**. Improved speed by 50%."
"dateText": "06/20XX – Present"
"title": "Software Engineer",
"subtitle": "XYZ Ltd",
"workType": "Internship",
"workDescription": [
"Worked on abc."
"dateText": "01/20XX – 05/20XX"
"title": "App Developer",
"subtitle": "ABC Pvt Ltd",
"workType": "Freelance",
"workDescription": [
"Developed the official apps for the startup for both Android and iOS using hybrid framework.",
"Done bcd work."
"dateText": "09/20XX – 01/20YY"
key | Description |
experiences | array containing work experiences of a person |
experiences.title | role or designation title |
experiences.subtitle | company or organization name. optional field |
experiences.workType | type of work experience. example - internship, freelance, full-time. optional field |
experiences.workDescription | string array to highlight specific points related to that work experiece. markdown supported |
experiences.dateText | date range text during which particular work experience was pursued. |
- open
"projects" : [
"image" : "images/projects/portfolio-poster.png",
"title": "Dev Portfolio",
"bodyText": "- Developer Portfolio Website made in React\n - Fully customisable and dynamic, easily change data and images.\n - Dark Mode Support",
"links": [
"text": "GitHub",
"href": "https://github.com/mayankagarwal09/dev-portfolio"
"text": "Live",
"href": "https://mayankagarwal.me"
"tags" : [
"title": "MVVM Sample App",
"bodyText": "- An Android App that loads data from mock API and show in both **LinearLayout** and **GridLayout RecyclerView**.\n - Offline support using **Room** DB and **NetworkBoundResource**.\n - Uses the **MVVM** architecture.",
"links": [
"text": "GitHub",
"href": "https://github.com/mayankagarwal09/mvvm-sample-app"
"tags" : [
"title": "Task Tracker",
"bodyText": "- A simple Task Tracker web app made with **Angular 12**.\n - Uses **mock JSON server** to get, add, delete or update tasks.",
"links": [
"text": "GitHub",
"href": "https://github.com/mayankagarwal09/task-tracker-app"
"tags" : [
"Angular 12",
key | Description |
projects | array containing projects information |
projects.image | add project poster here. optional field. |
projects.title | title of the project |
projects.bodyText | description of project. markdown supported |
projects.links | clickable links related to the project. optional field |
projects.links.text | title of link to display |
projects.links.href | actual link to be redirected to on click of the button |
projects.tags | string array containing tags related to projects. optional field |
- It is a clickable link which opens the link provided (generally drive link of resume file) in the navbar.json under Resume.
Change the color theme of the website -
Go to /src/theme/themes.js
and change the values of the required components both under lightTheme and darkTheme with your prefered HEX color.
//Default Values
export const lightTheme = {
background: '#fff',
color: '#121212',
accentColor: '#3D84C6',
chronoTheme: {
cardBgColor: 'white',
cardForeColor: 'black',
titleColor: 'white',
timelineLineColor: '#ccc',
cardBackground: '#fff',
cardFooterBackground: '#f7f7f7',
cardBorderColor: '#00000020',
navbarTheme: {
linkColor: '#dedede',
linkHoverColor: '#fefefe',
linkActiveColor: '#fefefe',
bsPrimaryVariant: 'light',
bsSecondaryVariant: 'dark',
socialIconBgColor: '#121212',
export const darkTheme = {
background: '#121212',
color: '#eee',
accentColor: '#3D84C6',
chronoTheme: {
cardBgColor: '#1B1B1B',
cardForeColor: '#eee',
titleColor: 'black',
timelineLineColor: '#444',
cardBackground: '#060606',
cardFooterBackground: '#181818',
cardBorderColor: '#ffffff20',
navbarTheme: {
linkColor: '#dedede',
linkHoverColor: '#fefefe',
linkActiveColor: '#fefefe',
bsPrimaryVariant: 'dark',
bsSecondaryVariant: 'light',
socialIconBgColor: '#fefefe',
Go to public/index.html
. Change title and logo if you want to customize it.
Once you finish your setup. You need to put your website online!
I highly recommend to use Vercel because it is super easy.
- Mayank Agarwal - https://github.com/mayankagarwal09
If you find a bug, feel free to open an issue in this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details