PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Omni-Wheel Robot, which can be driven without hitting obstacles, was developed to be used in transportation conditions that may be required in industrial spaces, in the Özyeğin University Electrical and Electronics Engineering department graduation project was produced by Ahmet Baran Yazıcı and Bilge Kaan Tekin.
Arduino MEGA x1
NEMA17HS4401 Stepper Motor x4
DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Card x4
HC05 Ardunio Bluetooth Module x1
LM7805 Voltage Regulator x1
100uF Capacitor x4
100nF Capacitor x1
47uF 25V Capacitor x1
60 mm Mecanum Wheel x4
3-Cell 11.1V 3700mAh Li-Polymer Battery x1
CNC Manufactured Couplings x4
HW-201 IR Obstacle Avoiding Sensor x4
Here is the video where the robot is controlled via the mobile application, all commands are performed, and the direction of rotation of the wheels is shown according to the commands.