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- 📝 License
JavascriptCapstone is a Project which is fetching images through base API (NASA API) and displaying them on the homepage. User can interact by clicking likes and comments. User likes and comments are fetch and posted through involvement api which increases the likes everytime user clicks on a like button. When a user clicks on a comment button a modal popup appears where user can add his/her comments which will be added and displayed in the comments area.
HTML CSS JavaScript Webpack and API
- [html css with JavaScript and usage of API ]
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
Web Browser, Code Editor.
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
Example commands:
cd my-folder
git clone https://github.com/baqar-abbas/JavascriptCapstone
VS CODE, Dev Dependencies (Linters), npm Package Manager, Webpack and Jest (for unit testing)
Able to see the Data fetched through API and able to update likes and comments section through Post on API.
Add and update likes and comments and see whether likes are increasing and comments are added and displayed.
The Project has been deployed in the link below.
👤 Baqar Abbas
- GitHub: @Baqar
- Twitter: @BaqarAbbas9
- LinkedIn: Baqar Abbas
Ghulam hyder Dar
- GitHub: @codeWithHyder
- Twitter: @Hyder
- LinkedIn: Hyder
- [Functionality of fetching Data from APIs and Posting likes and comments on API has been implemented. In future we can add more features like contact sesction
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
If you like this project please consider leaving a review.
I would like to thank my coding partner [@CodeWithHyder] for his contributions to this project with me.
This project is MIT licensed.