ImLazy was at the beggining only a Node.js bot using Puppeteer module to invite workaway members in the area to meetup. Then it evolved with a ReactJs UI and now taking a "SAAS template" form. (auth, user management...)
This project correspond to the backend API for the ImLazy app frontend. Node.js framework is used with Express module for the server. PostgreSQL is used for the database. Sequelize is used as an interface for the db. PassportJs is used for local and Google OAuth2 authentication.
TODO: To fill up this part
- To fill up the db
- Ask for .env file to Baptiste
- Replace .env.dist with .env received
The next steps are inspired by To work locally on macos :
install brew: /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”
brew update
install postgres: brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
to stop the service: brew services stop postgresql
configure postgres database server
$ psql postgres CREATE ROLE newUser WITH LOGIN PASSWORD ‘password’; ALTER ROLE newUser CREATEDB;
\q (to quit) (If error while connecting to psql server locally:
rm /usr/local/var/postgres/
brew services restart postgresql)
install pg admin to navigate Postgres Database server (
change DATABASE_DEV_URL env var with local username & password
- Setup error handler and backend logs save in file
- Use typescript strict
- Check Todos in the code
- Setup doc (swagger?)
- handle password management with google account (no management to do)