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Middleware that standardizes DEX API endpoints on different blockchain networks


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Hummingbot Gateway


Hummingbot Gateway is an API/CLI client that exposes standardized REST endponts to perform actions and fetch data from blockchain networks (wallet, node & chain interaction) and their decentralized exchanges (DEX) (pricing, trading & liquidity provision).

Gateway is written in Typescript in order to use Javascript-based SDKs provided by blockchains and DEX protocols. The advantage of using Gateway is it provides a standardizedm, language-agnostic approach to interacting with these protocols.

Gateway may be used alongside the main Hummingbot client to enable trading and market making on DEXs, or as a standalone command line interface (CLI).

Gateway uses Swagger for API documentation. When Gateway is started in HTTP mode, it automatically generates interactive Swagger API docs at: http://localhost:15888/docs


For an overview of Gateway setup and how to use it with Hummingbot, see the Gateway in the Hummingbot docs.

Installation from Source

First, install these dependencies:

  • NodeJS (20.11.0 or higher): Install from the NodeJS official site
  • PNPM: Run npm install -g pnpm after installing NodeJS

Then, follow these steps to install Gateway:

# Install JS libraries
pnpm install

# Complile Typescript into JS
pnpm build

# Run Gateway setup script, which helps you set configs and CERTS_PATH
pnpm run setup

Start Gateway from Source

To start the Gateway server in HTTPS mode, run the command below. Make sure to use the same passphrase that you used to generate certs in the Hummingbot client

pnpm start --passphrase=<PASSPHRASE>

You may also start the Gateway server in HTTP mode. Note that the passphrase is needed to encrypt and decrypt wallets used in executing transactions

pnpm start --passphrase=<PASSPHRASE> --dev

Installation with Docker

Build the Gateway Docker image locally by executing the below command. You may replace development with a tag of your choice.

docker build \
  --build-arg BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) \
  --build-arg COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
  --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d") \
  -t hummingbot/gateway:development -f Dockerfile .

Start Gateway from Docker

Start a container in HTTPS mode using this development Docker image. Make sure to replace <PASSPHRASE> with the passphrase you used to generate the certs in the Hummingbot client.

docker run --name gateway \
  -p 15888:15888 \
  -v "$(pwd)/conf:/home/gateway/conf" \
  -v "$(pwd)/logs:/home/gateway/logs" \
  -v "$(pwd)/db:/home/gateway/db" \
  -v "$(pwd)/certs:/home/gateway/certs" \

Afterwards, clients with valid certificates can connect to Gateway at: https://localhost:15888

You may also start the container in HTTP mode by setting the DEV environment variable to true. Note that this will disable HTTPS and allow unauthenticated access to Gateway and its endpoints.

docker run --name gateway \
  -p 15888:15888 \
  -v "$(pwd)/conf:/home/gateway/conf" \
  -v "$(pwd)/logs:/home/gateway/logs" \
  -v "$(pwd)/db:/home/gateway/db" \
  -v "$(pwd)/certs:/home/gateway/certs" \
  -e DEV=true \

Afterwards, client may connect to Gateway at: http://localhost:15888 and you can access the Swagger documentation UI at: http://localhost:15888/docs

CLI Commands

When running Gateway from source, it provides a CLI interface for interacting with chains and DEXs. After installing from source, you can enable the gateway command by linking the CLI globally:

pnpm link --global

Afterwards, you can use the gateway command to see available commands:


Sample commands:

# Check wallet balances (requires running server)
gateway balance --chain solana --wallet <WALLET_ADDRESS>

# Build project from source (same as pnpm build)
gateway build

# Start the API server (same as pnpm start)
gateway start --passphrase=<PASSPHRASE> [--dev]

# Get command help
gateway help [COMMAND]

Note: Similar to the server, CLI commands require a passphrase argument used to encrypt and decrypt wallets used in executing transactions. Set the passphrase using the --passphrase argument when starting the server or by setting the GATEWAY_PASSPHRASE environment variable:



Gateway is part of the open source Hummingbot project, which is powered by community contributions. Please see the Contributing guide in the Hummingbot docs for more information.

Here are some ways that you can contribute to Gateway:


  • To run in HTTP mode (for development), use pnpm start --dev. By default, Gateway runs in secure HTTPS mode.

  • If you want Gateway to log to standard out, set logToStdOut to true in conf/server.yml.

  • The format of configuration files are dictated by src/services/config-manager-v2.ts and the corresponding schema files in src/services/schema.

  • For each supported chain, token lists that translate address to symbols for each chain are stored in /conf/lists. You can add tokens here to make them available to Gateway.


Gateway is currently undergoing a large-scale refactor to improve codebase architecture and modularity. The Meteora connector serves as the reference implementation for this new architecture:

Other key files:


For a pull request merged into the codebase, it has to pass unit test coverage requirements. Take a look at Workflow for more details.

Unit tests

Run all unit tests.

pnpm test:unit

Run an individual test folder or file

pnpm run jest test/<folder>/<file>

Manual tests

We have found it is useful to test individual endpoints with curl commands. We have a collection of prepared curl calls. POST bodies are stored in JSON files. Take a look at the curl calls for gateway. Note that some environment variables are expected.


This repo uses eslint and prettier. When you run git commit it will trigger the pre-commit hook. This will run eslint on the src and test directories.

You can lint before committing with:

pnpm run lint

You can run the prettifier before committing with:

pnpm run prettier


Middleware that standardizes DEX API endpoints on different blockchain networks



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  • TypeScript 97.1%
  • Shell 1.6%
  • JavaScript 1.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%