Hi, My name is Balwinder Singh. I'm a forward-thinking tech lead and software developer with 13 years of experience developing, integrating, testing, and supporting applications for mobile and tablet devices on the Android and Hybrid platform
🔭 I’m currently working with one of the largest banking groups in the Middle East as an Senior Android Developer.
🌱 I’m currently learning and exploring backend tech stack (Ktor , spring framework , firebase .. )
👯 I’m looking to collaborate with like minded tech peepps to work on something intersting and meaninfull :)
💬 Ask me about mobile apps development, meditation, yoga and parenting(my new area of expertise after having 2 kids :P )
📫 How to reach me:
- 📫 LinkedIn profile: Balwinder Singh
- 🌀 Twitter:- @singhBalwinder_
- Medium - https://balwindersinghrajput.medium.com/
⚡ Fun fact: I love to cook and that could be the reason why i just hate bad ingredients choices in any project i work with.
Hire me?