This project is about creating a simple shell. Bash was used as a reference.
Display a prompt when waiting for a new command.
Have a working history.
Search and launch the right executable (based on the PATH variable or using a relative or an absolute path).
Not use more than one global variable. Think about it. You will have to explain its purpose.
Not interpret unclosed quotes or special characters which are not required by the subject such as \ (backslash) or ; (semicolon).
Handle ’ (single quote) which should prevent the shell from interpreting the metacharacters in the quoted sequence.
Handle " (double quote) which should prevent the shell from interpreting the metacharacters in the quoted sequence except for $ (dollar sign).
Implement redirections
Implement pipes (| character). The output of each command in the pipeline is connected to the input of the next command via a pipe.
Handle environment variables ($ followed by a sequence of characters) which should expand to their values.
Handle $? which should expand to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
Handle ctrl-C, ctrl-D and ctrl-\ which should behave like in bash.
Your shell must implement the following builtins (without options): echo (with -n), cd, pwd, export, unset, env, exit
&& and || with parenthesis for priorities
Wildcards * should work for the current working directory
- readline and connected to it
- printf
- malloc, free
- write, open, read, close, unlink
- access
- fork
- wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4
- signal, sigaction, sigemptyset, sigaddset, kill
- exit
- getcdw, chdir, opendir, readdir, closedir
- stat, lstat, fstat
- execve
- dup, dup2
- pipe
- strerror, perror
- isatty, ttyname, ttyslot, ioctl
- getenv
- tcseattr, tcgetattr, tgetent, tgetflag, tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs
- make - to compile the executable file
- execute it with ./minishell
- there are three user mods: normal, secret and uwu. Try them all!
- We splitted the project into seven parts: prompt, tokenization, token simplification (added later), parsing, execution, exit and signal. I (baltsaros) would say that tokenization is the most important, because it determines how other parts are done
- In our tokenization we read character by character and then create an according token (in a linked list). Main tokens that we used are WORD, WSPACE(for white spaces) and some special characters like $, *, >, etc. Values for the latter correspond to ther ASCII values or in case of double characters (like << or >>) to their ASCII value + 100
- We decided to expand * in tokenization and $ in token simplification, since it was easier to do this at earlier stages
- In token simplification we fuse some tokens (mainly quotes) and remove others (like white spaces)
- In parsing we open files, initiate heredoc (if any) and creates future commands
- Then we do the execution! Before any execve we check whether a current cmd is builtin or not. We also decided to wait for every child in case of pipe(s) in order to always have a proper output when all or some of the incoming cmds work with the same file. Without waitpid output order or its content for cmds like echo one > f1 | echo two >> f2 | echo three >> f3 can be messed up
- We have several structures: one is integral (t_input) and is used almost in any other function. Another important structure is t_cmd that is actually a linked list. One command is one linked list that consists of command arguments, input and output fds (0 and 1 by default), input and output file names, delimiter (if any) and pipe flag. We also have two other linked lists: one for tokens and another one for envp. Envp are also saved in the char** form in order to be able to send it into another ./minishell
Here are some tricky tests to do (compare with bash output):
Make sure that you signals work correctly (in terms of behavior and exit code) in the following cases with reading from stdin:
- cat
- cat << end
- ls | cat << end
- cat |
- cat " (if you handle unclosed quotes)
- sleep 20 | ls
- cat | cat | ls (should display output for ls and then wait for input)
- cat > f1 | cat > f2 | ls (saves output only in f1; proper output for ls on stdout)
- caaaat | caaaat | ls (should display output for ls and two error messages)
- cat < Makefile > f1 | wc -l < f1 > f2 | echo done > f3
- echo "one two" > f1 | grep "one two" < f1 | wc -l
- echo hi"yo"hi
- echo '$PATH'
- echo '$'PATH
- echo $'PATH'
- echo "$PATH"
- echo "$"PATH
- echo '"$USER"'
- echo ""$USER""
- echo ""
- echo ''
- exit 9 9 (should not exit)
- exit a a (should exit)
- exit 1a (should exit)
- exit 1a 1 (should exit)
- exit 1 1a (should not exit)
- cd (should go to $HOME)
- check that cd updates $PWD and $OLDPWD
- cd [existing folder] [non existsing folder] (no error message, should go to the existing one)
- cd in this case should diplay an error:
unset HOME
- echo one$?two
- echo "one$?two"
- echo -n one
- echo -nnnnnnnnnn one
- echo -n -n -n -n -n -n one
- echo -nnnnnnnnnnnnn -n -n -n -n -n one
- echo one -n -n -n -n -n -n one
- export one two=three four (if you use env after, it should display only envp with values)
- export =
- unset =
- pwd .
- pwd ..
- unset one two=three four (error message, but still should remove one and four)
- unset PATH (ls should display nothing after this)
- make sure that your builtin write in proper output (export, export > f1, echo one > f1 | echo two > f2 | echo three > f3)
- echo $$
- ""
- ''
- ls (with spaces before a command)
- $$
- expansion for heredoc (should replace all valid $VAR with their values; if none, just a new line; test against bash):
cat << EOF
one$?two $
PS: if eof is between double quotes, no expansion should happen. We did not implement that
- with export and a command (should execute the command if it exists):
export TEST=echo
$TEST hello
- <> nonexistingfile
- cat <> nonexistingfile
- cat f1 <> nonexistingfile
- cat f1 <> nonexistingfile f2 f3 f4
- 1st attempt: 0 % (segfaulted when there were spaces before a command)
- 2nd attempt: 0 % (segfaulted when $VAR does not exist)
- 3rd attempt: 106 % (-4 points because we forgot to revert changes in simple rediraction after debugging)
libft - libft library It is the only folder that is allowed by the subject
- Interactive tutorial on git branching
- Tutorials on how to create basic shells: one and two
- Another cool tutorail on writing one's own shell that helped me (baltsaros) a lot!
- Bash manuals: one and two. I (baltsaros) prefer the second one
- Wiki on lexer(tokenization)
- Guide on how to build a basic interpreter
- Big collection of various links for minishell that I (baltsaros) forgot about 🙃
- Dot art
- Thread about colors
- Read through the subject with your partner and divide the parts
- Ask peers how they approached the project
- Learn about lexer and parser
- Don't be afraid to change your lexer/parsing
- Try to make functions as universal as possible in order to avoid many if conditions (this is one thing that we can improve in our minishell :D)
- Test)