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Web Application Development
- Requests
- Responses
- Methods
- Headers
- Idempotency and Safety
- Visual Studio Code Rest Client
Resources : RFC
Resources : Tutorials Point
Structure :
Method Path Version of the Protocol
Empty Line
defines the type of request to be performed on the resource indetified by the URI specified by the path. It can be one of the following :
- Get
- Post
- Put
- Delete
- Options
- Head
is the URI, it identifies the resource on which the request should be applied.
can be zero or more.
The Empty Line
signals the end of the headers.
is optional.
Descritpion :
The HTTP POST method sends data to the server. The type of the body of the request is indicated by the Content-Type header.
The POST method is used to create data on the server.
Differences between PUT and POST :
- Intent difference:
The target resource in a POST request is intended to handle the enclosed representation according to the resource's own semantics, whereas the enclosed representation in a PUT request is defined as replacing the state of the target resource. - Indempotency :
Calling PUT once or several times successively has the same effect (that is no side effect), where successive identical POST may have additional effects, like passing an order several times.
Although delete is considered idempotent
there is one caveat. The data deleted will be always removed from the server, but in subsequent calls, the response might be a 404 (Not Found) instead of a 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) since the resource will no longer be present in the server.
Response Codes :
- 200 (OK), 204 (No Content) - If the target resource does have a current representation and that representation is successfully modified in accordance with the state of the enclosed representation.
- 201 (Created) - If the target resource does not have a current representation and the PUT successfully creates one.
- 409 (Conflict) - When a PUT representation is inconsistent with the target resource, the origin server SHOULD either make them consistent, by transforming the representation or changing the resource configuration, or respond with an appropriate error message containing sufficient information to explain why the representation is unsuitable.
- 415 (Unsupported Media Type) - Specific to constraints on Content-Type values.
When a PUT representation is inconsistent with the target resource, the origin server SHOULD either make them consistent, by transforming the representation or changing the resource configuration, or respond with an appropriate error message containing sufficient information to explain why the representation is unsuitable. The 409 (Conflict) or 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status codes are suggested, with the latter being specific to constraints on Content-Type values.
Method | Idempotent | Safe |
OPTIONS | yes | yes |
GET | yes | yes |
HEAD | yes | yes |
PUT | yes | no |
POST | no | no |
DELETE | yes | no |
PATCH | no | no |
The difference between the PUT and PATCH requests is reflected in the way the server processes the enclosed entity to modify the resource identified by the Request-URI. In a PUT request, the enclosed entity is considered to be a modified version of the resource stored on the origin server, and the client is requesting that the stored version be replaced. With PATCH, however, the enclosed entity contains a set of instructions describing how a resource currently residing on the origin server should be modified to produce a new version. The PATCH method affects the resource identified by the Request-URI, and it also MAY have side effects on other resources; i.e., new resources may be created, or existing ones modified, by the application of a PATCH.
Essencialmente um patch diz que instruções devem ser feitas para alterar um determinado recurso, essas instruções podem afectar outros recursos ou criar novos. Desta forma é não idempotente e não safe.
Resources : Tutorials Point, RFC
HTTP-Version Status-Code Reason-Phrase
An empty line (i.e., a line with nothing preceding the CRLF)
indicating the end of the header fields
Optionally a message-body
1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process.
2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request.
4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.
Complete list of status codes :
Code | Reason |
100 | Continue |
101 | Switching Protocols |
200 | OK |
201 | Created |
202 | Accepted |
203 | Non-Authoritative Information |
204 | No Content |
205 | Reset Content |
206 | Partial Content |
300 | Multiple Choices |
301 | Moved Permanently |
302 | Found |
303 | See Other |
304 | Not Modified |
305 | Use Proxy |
307 | Temporary Redirect |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
402 | Payment Required |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
405 | Method Not Allowed |
406 | Not Acceptable |
407 | Proxy Authentication Required |
408 | Request Time-out |
409 | Conflict |
410 | Gone |
411 | Length Required |
412 | Precondition Failed |
413 | Request Entity Too Large |
414 | Request-URI Too Large |
415 | Unsupported Media Type |
416 | Requested range not satisfiable |
417 | Expectation Failed |
500 | Internal Server Error |
501 | Not Implemented |
502 | Bad Gateway |
503 | Service Unavailable |
504 | Gateway Time-out |
505 | HTTP Version not supported |
: The reason phrases listed here are only recommendations -- they may be replaced by local equivalents without affecting the protocol.
The Link: header in HTTP allows the server to point an interested client to another resource containing metadata about the requested resource.It allows for the metadata to be given without actually touching the resource in question, even if it is a movie or a photograph. Typical uses of the linked metadata file may be to express:
- A map of different language, content-type and version-specific URIs.
- Licensing, such as Creative Commons.
- Information about how to edit the file.
- Policy information about appropriate use and/or distribution of the data.
- Responses follow some type of norm called media type.
- Allows transitioning between resources by following the links provided by each resource, discoverability.
- The nature of hypermedia allows for dinamic applications, for instance, a link might appear on a response but not in another, the client can act accordingly.
- More flexibility. New features can be added and made available immediatly to users and certain aspects of the API like changing resources or requiring additional GET parameters can be changed without breaking backwards compatibility (If implemented correctly by the user).
- Mantains business logic in one place.
- Increases discoverability of api resources.
- Hypermedia is built in a way that requires more requests to get the data. On a poor connection that migh be problematic. It can be considered an advantage aswell if you know exaclty what you are looking for, requiring you to get only the data you need and no more than that. ????????
Resources : IETF Draft
Media type : application/hal+json
Strengths :
- Dynamic and nestable.
- Easy to read and implement.
- URL templating.
- Inclusion of documentation.
- Supports JSON and XML.
Weaknesses :
- JSON and XML are architecturaly different.
Reserved properties : [ _links
, _embedded
, link objects , link object key , link object url , templated
, deprecation
, name
, profile
, title
, hreflang
Mandatory properties :
inside link objects.
HAL document example :
GET /orders HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
Accept: application/hal+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/orders" //REQUIRED
"next": {
"href": "/orders?page=2" //REQUIRED
"find": {
"href": "/orders{?id}", //REQUIRED
"templated": true
"_embedded": {
"orders": [{
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/orders/123" //REQUIRED
"basket": {
"href": "/baskets/98712" //REQUIRED
"customer": {
"href": "/customers/7809" //REQUIRED
"total": 30.00,
"currency": "USD",
"status": "shipped",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/orders/124" //REQUIRED
"basket": {
"href": "/baskets/97213" //REQUIRED
"customer": {
"href": "/customers/12369" //REQUIRED
"total": 20.00,
"currency": "USD",
"status": "processing"
"currentlyProcessing": 14,
"shippedToday": 20
A resource object like this represents a resource and has two reserved properties, _links
and _embedded
. All properties are optional except the href
property inside a link object like self or next. CurrentlyProcessing and shippedToday reprent the resource object's state. The links tell us the next, self and find URIs. Each of them allows the document user to transverse the application.
The _embedded
property "is an object whose property names are link relation types and values are either a Resource Object or an array of Resource Objects wich may be a full, partial, or inconsistent version of the representation served from the target URI".
Resources : The HAL-FORMS Media Type
Media type : application/prs.hal-forms+json
Description : The HAL-FORMS media type is a JSON document that contains information on the HTTP method, message content-type, and parameters to use when making a templated request to a HAL server. This media type can be used to provide dynamic state transition descriptions at runtime.
Properties : [ _links
, link object , link object key , link object url , _templates
, template object , template key , title
, method
, contentType
, properties
, property object , name
, prompt
, readOnly
, regex
, required
, templated
, value
Mandatory properties :
- Link object key and url. In this link object self is the key, and href the url associated to the key :
"self" : {
"href" : "http://api.example.org/rels/create"
- Template key and
. - Property
in a property.
HAL-FORMS document example :
"_links" : {
"linkKey" : {//REQUIRED
"href" : "http://api.example.org/rels/create"//REQUIRED
"_templates" : {
"templateKey" : {//REQUIRED
"title" : "Create",
"method" : "post",//REQUIRED
"contentType" : "application/JSON",
"properties" : [
"name" : "title", //REQUIRED
"required" : true, "value" : "",
"prompt" : "Title", "regex" : "",
"templated" : false
Contains any links associated with the HAL-FORMS document.
Contains a collection of template objects.
Describes the available state transition details including the HTTP method, message content-type, and arguments for the transition.
Resources : Kevin Swiber - Siren
Media type : application/vnd.siren+json
Description : Siren is a hypermedia specification for representing entities. As HTML is used for visually representing documents on a Web site, Siren is a specification for presenting entities via a Web API. Siren offers structures to communicate information about entities, actions for executing state transitions, and links for client navigation.
Strengths :
- More verbose.
- Query templating.
- Incorporates actions.
Weaknesses :
- Lacks documentation.
- More complex and difficult to implement.
Properties : [ entity , class
, properties
, property , property key , property value , entities
, sub-entities , class
, rel
, href
, type
, title
, actions
, action , name
, class
, method
, href
, title
, type
, fields
, name
, class
, type
, value
, title
, links
, link , class
, rel
, href
, type
, title
Mandatory properties :
in each entity and link -
in each action and link. If a sub-entity is not embedded thenhref
is mandatory in it too.
Siren Document Example:
"class": [ "order" ],
"properties": {
"orderNumber": 42,
"itemCount": 3,
"status": "pending"
"entities": [
"class": [ "items", "collection" ],
"rel": [ "http://x.io/rels/order-items" ], //REQUIRED
"href": "http://api.x.io/orders/42/items" //REQUIRED
"class": [ "info", "customer" ],
"rel": [ "http://x.io/rels/customer" ], //REQUIRED
"properties": {
"customerId": "pj123",
"name": "Peter Joseph"
"links": [
"rel": [ "self" ], //REQUIRED
"href": "http://api.x.io/customers/pj123" //REQUIRED
"actions": [
"name": "add-item", //REQUIRED
"title": "Add Item",
"method": "POST",
"href": "http://api.x.io/orders/42/items", //REQUIRED
"type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"fields": [
"name": "orderNumber", //REQUIRED
"type": "hidden",
"value": "42"
"name": "quantity", //REQUIRED
"type": "number"
"links": [
"rel": [ "self" ], //REQUIRED
"href": "http://api.x.io/orders/42"
"rel": [ "previous" ], //REQUIRED
"href": "http://api.x.io/orders/41"
"rel": [ "next" ], //REQUIRED
"href": "http://api.x.io/orders/43"
A collection of related sub-entities. If a sub-entity contains an href value, it should be treated as an embedded link. Clients may choose to optimistically load embedded links. If no href value exists, the sub-entity is an embedded entity representation that contains all the characteristics of a typical entity. One difference is that a sub-entity must contain a rel attribute to describe its relationship to the parent entity.
Resources : Collection+JSON - Hypermedia Type
Media type : application/vnd.collection+json
Strengths :
- Strong choice for collections.
- Templated queries.
- Recognized as a standard.
Weaknesses :
- JSON only.
- Lack of identifier for documentation.
- More complex and difficult to implement.
Properties :
Required properties :
Example of Collection+JSON document :
{ "collection" :
"version" : "1.0",
"href" : "http://example.org/friends/",
"links" : [
{"rel" : "feed", "href" : "http://example.org/friends/rss"}
"items" : [
"href" : "http://example.org/friends/jdoe",
"data" : [
{"name" : "full-name", "value" : "J. Doe", "prompt" : "Full Name"},
{"name" : "email", "value" : "jdoe@example.org", "prompt" : "Email"}
"links" : [
{"rel" : "blog", "href" : "http://examples.org/blogs/jdoe", "prompt" : "Blog"},
{"rel" : "avatar", "href" : "http://examples.org/images/jdoe", "prompt" : "Avatar", "render" : "image"}
"href" : "http://example.org/friends/msmith",
"data" : [
{"name" : "full-name", "value" : "M. Smith", "prompt" : "Full Name"},
{"name" : "email", "value" : "msmith@example.org", "prompt" : "Email"}
"links" : [
{"rel" : "blog", "href" : "http://examples.org/blogs/msmith", "prompt" : "Blog"},
{"rel" : "avatar", "href" : "http://examples.org/images/msmith", "prompt" : "Avatar", "render" : "image"}
"href" : "http://example.org/friends/rwilliams",
"data" : [
{"name" : "full-name", "value" : "R. Williams", "prompt" : "Full Name"},
{"name" : "email", "value" : "rwilliams@example.org", "prompt" : "Email"}
"links" : [
{"rel" : "blog", "href" : "http://examples.org/blogs/rwilliams", "prompt" : "Blog"},
{"rel" : "avatar", "href" : "http://examples.org/images/rwilliams", "prompt" : "Avatar", "render" : "image"}
"queries" : [
{"rel" : "search", "href" : "http://example.org/friends/search", "prompt" : "Search",
"data" : [
{"name" : "search", "value" : ""}
"template" : {
"data" : [
{"name" : "full-name", "value" : "", "prompt" : "Full Name"},
{"name" : "email", "value" : "", "prompt" : "Email"},
{"name" : "blog", "value" : "", "prompt" : "Blog"},
{"name" : "avatar", "value" : "", "prompt" : "Avatar"}
Query templates :
Consist of a data array associated with an href property. The queries array supports query templates. For query templates, the name/value pairs of the data array set are appended to the URI found in the href property associated with the queries array (with a question-mark ["?"] as separator) and this new URI is sent to the processing agent.
// query template sample
"queries" :
"href" : "http://example.org/search",
"rel" : "search",
"prompt" : "Enter search string",
"data" :
{"name" : "search", "value" : ""}
If the user supplied "JSON" for the value property, the user agent would construct the following URI:
Status code is optional in the body of the response.
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/problem+JSON
Content-Language: en
"type": "http://example.com/probs/out-of-credit",
"title": "You do not have enough credit.",
"detail": "Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.",
"instance": "http://example.net/account/12345/msgs/abc",
"balance": 30,
"accounts": ["http://example.net/account/12345", "http://example.net/account/67890"]
1. When designing an HTTP based interface, what are the advantages on using idempotent methods versus non idempotent methods?
: Métodos idempotentes podem ser repetidos que o resultado do pedido é o mesmo:-
retorna sempre o mesmo -
altera sempre o mesmo por isso o resultado não muda
Non Idempotency
: Pedidos que utilizam métodos não idempotentes têm resultados diferentes ao serem repetidos:-
ao ser repetido cria um recurso diferente da segunda vez que for feito por exemplo.
: Métodossafe
não alteram estado de um recurso, equanto que não safe alteram.
2. When using a media type specifically designed for error representations, such as problem+json, can the server always respond with a 200 status code, since the error information is contained in the representation?
It can but it definetly should not. Error codes in a response allow for fast interpretation of a response and follow the standard. Although an error code or code information can be attached to body of the message this would require the user to always check the body to determine if the response was actually successfull or not. And even then mistakes could be made since a successful response could be similar to a problem+json one. Of course one could always use content-type to check the type of the answer instead of the code but once again, that is not the standar and would require proper documentation specifying such implementation otherwise most api users would no easily pick of on this implementation detail.
3. Describe two advantages of hypermedia usage on HTTP APIs.
- Hypermedia is flexible. It allows resource representation modification or even extensibility without - if used correctly by the client - breaking backwards compatibility.
- High api discoverability. Most of the api information resides in it self. The fact that hypermedia resources link to another resources and can describe actions, embedded resource and more permits api transversing in a dynamic fashion.
4. Why can’t the javascript file that defines a NPM module be used directly on a browser, via a script element? What are the transformations done by Webpack that enable this usage?
The problem with modules and the browser resides in the fact that the browser doesn't know how to interpret require()
and as such cannot build a dependency graph or list of the application. Webpack does exactly that, it builds a dependency graph of all the application modules and bundles them up in one or more browser friendly bundle files. These files can be javascript code, css or whatever the code built needs to run effectively.
5. Implement a React component that receives the following properties: an URL, a time interval, and a callback function. This component performs a periodic GET request on the provided URL, using the defined time interval, and presents the last 10 response status codes (or errors) in the DOM, sorted from the most recent to the least recent. If the status code doesn’t represent success (or a response is not received), then the callback function must also be called.
6. In an HTTP request message, what are the differences between the target URI and the method?
7. In the HTTP protocol, what are the differences between the POST and PUT methods? Describe in which circumstances should each one be used.
8. In the HTTP protocol, if a response has a non-2xx status code, is the client still allowed to extract any information from the response body?
It depends on the code that is used. Some codes, like 200 (Ok) :
Aside from responses to CONNECT, a 200 response always has a payload, though an origin server MAY generate a payload body of zero length.
If no payload is desired, an origin server ought to send 204 (No Content) instead. 205 (Reset Content) and 201 (Created) are also no payload responses.
9. What is the purpose and structure of the Link HTTP header? In which circumstances should it be used?
The Link: header in HTTP allows the server to point an interested client to another resource containing metadata about the requested resource. It allows for the metadata to be given without actually touching the resource in question, even if it is a movie or a photograph. Typical uses of the linked metadata file may be to express:
- A map of different language, content-type and version-specific URIs.
- Licensing, such as Creative Commons.
- Information about how to edit the file.
- Policy information about appropriate use and/or distribution of the data.
10. Describe the semantics and usefulness of the self link relation. Present one usage example.
The value "self" signifies that the URI in the value of the href attribute identifies a resource equivalent to the containing element. One usage might be, if one requests the product orders of a product management api on the target uri http://productmanagementapi.com/orders
"self" : {
"href" : "http://productmanagementapi.com/orders"
11. Implement the javascript function statusForAll(urls) that receives an array of URLs and performs a GET request on each one. It returns a promise that:
is fulfilled with an array of status codes, if all requests produced a response with a non-error status code;
is rejected when any request fails to produce a response, or the response has an error status code.