Our final dataset was illustrated in
which contains 51 accessible to social benefits prompts, 51 admission or awards, programs in university prompts, 51 Employee development and benefits, 60 health exam/programs, 50 eligible for different license prompts, 30 suitable hobby prompts, 50 suitable occupation prompts, total 343 code prompts.
The dataset could be extendable by using script
Install the libraries in a Conda environment using the following commands.
cd commands
To replicate all of our experimental results run the following commands
cd commands
To run the experiments using the hyperparameter variation follow the commands
cd commands
bash exp_by_hyp_batch.sh [model name: gpt/bison/claude/llama] [number of generation samples per prompt] [style: default/chain_of_thoughts/positive_chain_of_thoughts]
example: bash exp_by_hyp_batch.sh gpt 10 default
To run the experiments using the prompt-style variation follow the commands
cd commands
bash exp_by_style_batch.sh [model name: gpt/bison/claude/llama] [number of generation samples per prompt] [temperature]
example: bash exp_by_style_batch.sh gpt 10 1.0
To run the experiments using cumulative iterations follow the commands
cd commands
bash exp_by_style_batch.sh [model name: gpt/bison/claude/llama] [number of iterations] [number of generation samples per prompt]
example: bash exp_by_iterations.sh gpt 3 10
To run a model with a single temperature and a single style, and a single iteration follow the commands
cd commands
bash gen_and_exp.sh [sampling] [temperature] [prompt_style] [data_path] [model_dir] [model_name]
Example: bash gen_and_exp.sh 10 1.0 default "../dataset/prompts.jsonl" "../outputs/hyp_variations/gpt10default" gpt