Welcome to the repository for DTETI UGM's guide robot development, which integrates ROS-LLM and Nav2 packages. This repository is forked from the original Auromix/ROS-LLM.
To explore detailed information about:
- Nav2-LLM Integration: Visit the ROS-LLM nav2LLM.
- Nav2 config: Refer to the Nav2 ROS Wiki.
First, fork this repository into your own GitHub account. Then, clone it to your local machine using the command below:
git clone https://github.com/your_github_account/llm-guide-robot.git
To integrate the framework with your own robot, modify the llm_robot
and llm_config
packages to match your robot’s specifications. This customization allows you to define the behavior and control mechanisms for your robot.
Source the workspace:
source llm-guide-robot/install/setup.bash
Launch the Nav2 system:
ros2 launch ros2ai navigation2.launch.py
Launch TurtleBot3 navigation:
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger ros2 launch ros2ai turtlebot3_navigation.launch.py
Run Nav2 API Server:
ros2 run ros2ai nav2_api_server
Run Nav2 GPT: Don't forget to change the .env path in load_dotenv(dotenv_path="/home/badri/nav2_gpt/.env")
ros2 run ros2ai Nav2Chatgpt
Alternatively, test another Nav2 configuration:
ros2 launch navigation navigation.launch.py
- Ensure all dependencies are correctly installed and sourced before launching any package.
- For troubleshooting or further details, refer to the original ROS-LLM and Nav2 documentation.
Happy exploring!