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GitHub Action to Upload Assets to Azure Blob Storage

This action is designed to use the Azure CLI to upload a directory of your choice to your Azure Blob Storage account.



Place in a .yml file such as this one in your .github/workflows folder. Refer to the documentation on workflow YAML syntax here.

name: Upload To Azure Blob Storage
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: bacongobbler/azure-blob-storage-upload@main
          source_dir: _dist
          container_name: www
          connection_string: ${{ secrets.ConnectionString }}
          extra_args: '--pattern *.tar.gz'
          # WARNING: this will overwrite existing blobs in your blob storage
          overwrite: 'true'

If you want to synchronize local and remote state (for example, if you are publishing a static website), enable the sync flag.

Required Variables

Key Value
container_name The name of the storage account container these assets will be uploaded to
source_dir The name of the directory you want to upload

Optional Variables

Key Value
account_name The name of the storage account. Required if sas_token is used
connection_string The connection string for the storage account. Used if value is set. Either connection_string or sas_token must be supplied
extra_args Extra arguments that can be passed to az storage blob upload-batch. Useful for passing flags like --pattern or --destination-path
overwrite Overwrite existing files in the destination container. Defaults to false
sas_token The shared access signature token for the storage account. Either connection_string or sas_token must be supplied
sync Use az storage blob sync to synchronize blobs recursively. Defaults to false (az storage blob upload-batch)


This project is distributed under the Apache 2 license.