Babysitter finder is a project that offers you the babysitter service.
- Node JS 12.16.1 (Recommended)
- NPM 6.13.4 (Recommended)
Clone this project.
Change of directory to the root of the project.
cd frontend
- Install the dependencies.
npm install
- Run it locally
npm run start
- React (react, react-dom, react-router-dom, react-icons, react-syntax-highlighter)
- Classnames
- Sass (Development)
- PostCSS (Development)
- Babel (Development)
- Webpack (Development)
- Once the dependencies are installed, you can do the build
npm build
The staff:
- Abdiel Ortega (Frontend Developer and Interface designer)
- Angel Estrada (Interface designer)
This project exists thanks to Platzi.
You're free to contribute to this project by submitting issues and/or pull requests.
The MIT License (MIT)
The design system and the rest of the documentation can be found in Notion and the design can be found at Figma
- To Coach Ana Belisa Martinez.
- To Platzi Staff.