- Fork the project and clone it locally
- Create a new branch for every new feature or a bug fix
- Do the necessary code changes
- Cover the new or fixed code with tests
- Write a comprehensive commit message in a format
Add the xxx feature
orFix the xxx bug
- Push to the forked repository
- Create a Pull Request to the master branch of the original repository
- Make a new commit with a fix if one or more checks are failing (code analysis, tests, etc.)
- Follow PSR-2 coding style standard
- Write tests
- Document every new feature or an interface change in the README file
- Make one Pull Request per feature / bug fix
To run tests locally you need PHP (7.2 or higher), Composer and SQLite 3.
Install the project dependencies:
composer install
Run the test suite:
make test
To ensure, that your code follows PSR-2 standards you can run:
make style-check
It is also recommended to perform static code analysis before opening a PR:
make static-analysis