Langeraert, Ward123
Cartuyvels, Emma
Van Daele, Toon
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)4
European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme (ID No 101059592)5
keywords: structured data; data quality; unstructured data; data cubes; biodiversity informatics
Scripts to explore the conditions that determine the reliability of models, trends and status by comparing aggregated cubes with structured monitoring schemes.
This code is developed in context of T4.5 of the B-Cubed project.
├── source ├ R markdown files
│ └── R ├ R scripts
├── data
│ ├── raw ├ create this folder and store raw data, see prepare_abv_data.Rmd
│ ├── intermediate ├ store intermediate data
│ └── processed ├ store processed data
├── checklist.yml ├ options checklist package (
├── organisation.yml ├ organisation info (
├── inst
│ └── en_gb.dic ├ dictionary with words that should not be checked by the checklist package
├── .github │
│ ├── workflows │
│ │ └── checklist_project.yml ├ GitHub repo settings
│ ├── │
│ └── │
├── comp-unstructured-data.Rproj ├ R project
├── ├ project description
├── ├ licence
├── CITATION.cff ├ citation info
├── .zenodo.json ├ zenodo metadata
└── .gitignore ├ files to ignore