Dark theme for org-mode HTML exports.
Preview: https://wiki.metaphoric.dev
Import scribbler into your .org file by adding the following line in the header:
#+setupfile: https://b-coimbra.github.io/org-scribbler-theme/scribbler.setup
Then export the file by using C-c C-e #
or M-x org-export-dispatch
Subtitles can be added with the following tag:
#+subtitle: Some subtitle
Tags can be added by creating a tags.json
file in the root of your .html files.
"tags": [
"name": "git",
"color": "#9c6464",
"files": ["git-hooks", "git"]
"name": "automation",
"files": ["git-hooks"]
"name": "linux",
"color": "#C95C70"
"files": ["linux", "tmux", "ssh"]
"name": "tools",
"color": "#36194C",
"files": ["tmux", "ssh", "docker", "git"]
#+TITLE: Angular @framework
#+SUBTITLE: Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.
#+DATE: <2021-09-11 Sat>
#+AUTHOR: Bruno Coimbra (b-coimbra)
#+EMAIL: me@metaphoric.dev
#+SETUPFILE: https://b-coimbra.github.io/org-scribbler-theme/scribbler.setup