- Azure Technical Academy - Hybrid IT Day 3: containers
- Prerequisities
- Prepare Azure services for application
- Building and storing container images with Azure Container Registry
- Using containers with Azure Container Instances (optional)
- Using containers with Azure Web Apps for Containers
- Kubernetes
- Advanced Kubernetes (optional section for attendies using Kubernetes already)
- Contacts
- All day1 and day2 labs completed and knowledge of all topics covered
- Homework from day2 completed and shared with instructors via private message on Teams
- Access to own Azure subscription as Owner (access to single Resource Group is not enough for this lab)
- Rights to create Service Principal in AAD or precreated Service Principal with credentials
- Sufficient quota in subscription
- 10 or more total vCPUs in region West Europe
- 10 or more B-series VM vCPUs in region West Europe
- Precreated Azure DevOps organization with full rights for purpose of this Lab, instructions in documentation
Check scripts in arm-scripts and update parameter values.
#$uniqueId = "-" + [system.environment]::MachineName
$uniqueId = ""
cd .\arm-scripts\
Run this script to deploy Azure Container Registry
az group create -l westeurope -n $rgArtifacts
az group deployment create -g $rgArtifacts `
--template-file deploy-acr.json `
--parameters deploy-acr.parameters.json
You can run docker build remotely with Azure Container Registry Tasks
Run this script to build docker image for Windows and Linux
az acr build -r cpacr https://github.com/tkubica12/dotnetcore-sqldb-tutorial.git -f Dockerfile --platform Windows -t cpweb:0-windows --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:2.1-nanoserver-1809 --no-wait
az acr build -r cpacr https://github.com/tkubica12/dotnetcore-sqldb-tutorial.git -f Dockerfile --platform Linux -t cpweb:0-linux --no-wait
Run this script to deploy Azure Sql database
az group create -l westeurope -n $rgSql
az group deployment create -g $rgSql `
--template-file deploy-sql.json `
--parameters deploy-sql.parameters.json --parameters administratorLoginPassword=Azure123
Run this script to deploy Azure WebApp for Containers with Windows Containers with reference to Azure Container Registry and Azure Sql. Check parameters file for correct ACR name and Sql name/password. WebApp for Windows Containers must reference existing ACR container, please check parameters file.
az group create -l westeurope -n $rgWebWin
az group deployment create -g $rgWebWin `
--template-file deploy-webwin.json `
--parameters deploy-webwin.parameters.json --parameters sqlServerPassword=Azure123
Run for WebApp for Containers with Linux Containers
az group create -l westeurope -n $rgWebLinux
az group deployment create -g $rgWebLinux `
--template-file deploy-weblinux.json `
--parameters deploy-weblinux.parameters.json --parameters sqlServerPassword=Azure123
Utilize your knowledge from Day2 and do following steps:
- Create new DevOps Project AcademyDay3
- Clone this Github repo into Azure Repos https://github.com/azurecz/azuretechacademy-hybridit-labs-day3.git and name it _academy_source
- Create new Release pipeline CPWEB-Services-CD
- Configure pipeline to deploy Azure services with ARM deployment - artifacts, Sql (-administratorLoginPassword Azure123), Web for Windows
Sample of definition for Sql deployment task
- task: AzureResourceGroupDeployment@2
displayName: 'ARM sql deploy'
azureSubscription: 'YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION'
resourceGroupName: 'cp-sql'
location: 'West Europe'
csmFile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_academy_source/arm-scripts/deploy-sql.json'
csmParametersFile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_academy_source/arm-scripts/deploy-sql.parameters.json'
overrideParameters: '-administratorLoginPassword Azure123'
We will deploy sample Todo web application from https://github.com/tkubica12/dotnetcore-sqldb-tutorial
We will push Linux and Windows image into Azure Container Registry using Azure DevOps.
First clone source code to Azure Repos
- Import git https://github.com/tkubica12/dotnetcore-sqldb-tutorial.git into new Azure Repos repository
Steps to create new release pipeline for Windows deployment
- Create new Release pipeline CPWEBWINDOWS-CD
- Create DEV stage
- Add artefact referencing source code dotnetcore-sqldb-tutorial and name it _source
- Make sure Agent job running windows-2019
- Add Docker task command buildAndPublish
- add Docker registry pointed to Azure Container Repository cpacr
- container registry type cpweb
- select dockerfile
- tags $(Release.ReleaseId)-windows
Repeat steps for Linux deployment with Release pipeline name CPWEBLINUX-CD
- Add new Agent job running Ubuntu and repeat same steps
- tags $(Release.ReleaseId)-linux
Sample of definition for Docker build task
- task: Docker@2
displayName: 'buildAndPush - Windows'
containerRegistry: cpacr
repository: cpweb
Dockerfile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_source/Dockerfile'
tags: '$(Release.ReleaseId)-windows'
You can run simply docker image in Azure Container Instances.
az acr credential show --name cpacr
az group create -n cp-aci -l westeurope
az container create -g cp-aci -n cpwebw --image cpacr.azurecr.io/cpweb:0-windows --cpu 1 --memory 4 --registry-login-server cpacr.azurecr.io --registry-username cpacr --registry-password $acrPassword --ports 80 --os-type Windows --ip-address Public
az container create -g cp-aci -n cpwebl --image cpacr.azurecr.io/cpweb:0-linux --cpu 1 --memory 2 --registry-login-server cpacr.azurecr.io --registry-username cpacr --registry-password $acrPassword --ports 80 --os-type Linux --ip-address Public
Note: ACI with Windows containers supports 10.0.14393 (Windows 2016) and 10.0.17763 (Windows 2019) versions only.
Note: In Preview program you can run ACI in existing Azure Virtual Network and get private IP address, check link
We will modify existing pipeline CPWEBWINDOWS-CD to deploy Windows container to Azure App Service for Containers
- Add new task Azure Web App for Containers to Windows part
- select Subscription and App name
- image name: cpacr.azurecr.io/cpweb:$(Release.DeploymentID)-windows
Repeat same steps for Linux container deployment to Azure App Service for Containers.
Now you can test to change source code and deploy it.
Follow Kubernetes guide
Follow Ingress guide
Follow KEDA guide
Follow DAPR guide
Follow Istio guide