General repository standardization template for docker project types. Compatible for agile processes.
🔖: releasing / 0.1.1
TO DO: Things to do when getting started on this project.
TODO: Will apply your code and project building standards to templates.
- The tests will be applied as in the template projects.
- Development and operation will be planned as test/slot/production.
TODO : The best method of making a contribution will be to comply with the following items.
- Work with algorithms and flowcharts to solve problems.
- Make pull requests to version control systems.
- Stick to Architecture and Design Patterns apps.
- Take care to develop applications with Domain Based Design / Test-oriented development approaches.
- Stick to the architectural patterns used in abstraction software like Model-View-Controller.
- Be consistent in executing maintainable practices with Object Oriented Programming (abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism...) techniques.
- Use behavior-oriented development tools effectively.
- Make it a habit to use Integration testing / Unit Testing / Functional Testing / Automation Tests.
- Be persistent in applying metrics that describe how well the source code has been tested. [ have something to show at meetings: ) ]
- Send your code with traditional commit messages, make your code understandable with static code analysis tools, "code documentation" tools.
- Build event-driven, scalable service applications with serverless application development platforms.
- Follow the steps to improve threading techniques like in services or mobile apps.
In the project; principles and architectural examples of development, code submission, consistent coding styles and development in team environment have been implemented.
- Welcome to us, to contribute See How to Provide Storey
- Review the Participant Agreement Code of Conduct.