An Ansible role for installing AWS Elastic Networking Adapter (ENA) drivers.
Amazon's Elastic Networking service is availble on c3
, c4
, d2
, i2
, r3
, and m4
instance types (excluding m4.16xlarge
). To setup Elastic Networking, use this role to install drivers on the instance, and then enable Elastic Networking using the AWS CLI:
# Install the role
$ ansible-galaxy install
# Create a playbook.yml that uses the role
$ cat /path/to/your/playbook.yml
- hosts: all
- name: Update APT cache
apt: update_cache=true
- role:
# Ensure your inventory has an entry for your EC2 instance
$ ansible-playbook -i /path/to/inventory /path/to/your/playbook.yml
# Enable ENA on your EC2 instance via the aws CLI
$ aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id <YOUR_INSTANCE_ID> --ena-support
Further information is available in the AWS ENA documentation.
- AWS ENA driver version.
Tests are done using molecule. To run the test suite, install molecule and its dependencies and run molecule test
from the folder containing molecule.yml. To add additional tests, add a testinfra python script in the tests directory, or add a function to Information about available Testinfra modules is available here.
# Download Molecule and its dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Change to the top-level project directory, which contains molecule.yml
$ cd /path/to/ansible-aws-ena
# Ensure that molecule.yml is present
$ ls molecule.yml
LICENSE playbook.retry playbook.yml
ansible.cfg tasks
defaults templates
handlers tests
# We're in the right directory, so let's run tests!
$ molecule test