This repository was created as part of the neuefische DataSience Bootcamp, which I attended in spring 2024 to make my way out of academia and into the world of data and predictions.
The aim of this EDA project is to demonstrate what we've learnt over the last few weeks in a (slightly) larger project.
Out task was not only to perform an EDA on the the well known King County House Sales dataset, furthermore we had to:
- demonstrate some SQL skills in order to get the data from a neuefische SQL database
- the code to retrieve the data is shown in the Retrieving_Data_From_PostgreSQL notebook, it will not work though
- clean & correct the data, because neuefische introduced on purpose some noise to make the task for us students a bit more challenging ;)
- come up with three questions and specific hypotheses that we want to answer using the data set and with the help of the EDA
- help a virtual client with their specific needs, and think about how to meet the client's demands
- of course, perform an EDA
- and finally, to prepare and present a presentation that should be designed in such a way that a non-technical audience can follow it well, ideally the client
- you'll find the presentation (PDF) in the slides folder
The dataset, provided by neuefische, is a version of the widely used dataset of house sale prices for King County, which includes Seattle. It consists of homes sold between May 2014 and May 2015, and consists of the following columns/features:
column name | description |
id | unique identified for a house |
date | house was sold |
price | is prediction target |
bedrooms | # of bedrooms |
bathrooms | # of bathrooms |
sqft_living | footage of the home |
sqft_lot | footage of the lot |
floors | floors (levels) in house |
waterfront | House which has a view to a waterfront |
view | quality of view |
condition |
How good the condition is ( Overall ) |
grade |
overall grade given to the housing unit, based on King County grading system |
sqft_above | square footage of house apart from basement |
sqft_basement | square footage of the basement |
yr_built | Built Year |
yr_renovated | Year when house was renovated |
zipcode | zip |
lat | Latitude coordinate |
long | Longitude coordinate |
sqft_living15 | The square footage of interior housing living space for the nearest 15 neighbors |
sqft_lot15 | The square footage of the land lots of the nearest 15 neighbors |
Moreover, the following specific hypotheses will underpin the conclusions drawn from the data and support the final recommendations:
- Houses in the city are more expensive than in the countryside.
- The fluctuation of house prices over the course of the year depends on the region.
- Houses in need of renovation are less affected by price fluctuations.
... consists of the following steps:
- loading all neccessary modules
- loading & preparing the dataset into pandas and geopandas dataframes
- section with functions
- data cleaninig
- inspection of all features and creating some more features out of the given ones
- data exploration
- check distributions and correlations between features
- hypothesis testing
The EDA notebook is prepared in a way to be rendered by the Github preview and still containing all the output figures and maps. Especially in the case of folium maps, which are not rendered by the Guthub preview, i need to implement a workaround. These maps are saved as images and then implemented into the notebook as static images in markdown cells. Hence, if you run the notebook locally, these folium maps will be duplicated.
Note: The Notebook is approx. 12 MB big and is seems that GITHUB have some troubles to render larger notebooks. I tried it a few times, it should work. If you encounter problmens, please try again.
There is also a requirements.txt provided in order to install the virtual environment with all neccessary libraries. Simply create a new virtual environment using the method of your choice.