Tweetify is a full-stack web application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js). It allows users to create short posts (tweets), follow other users, and engage in real-time conversations. It helps the users to discuss real life common problems, political issues, critics, and even debate about a certain topic. It lets the users comment in a certain post and create a chain of comments which helps the users engage in real time debates.
• Real-time Chatting: facilitates real-time communication between users, enabling instant messaging and group chats.
• Login & Signup Authentication: Secure user accounts are managed through login and signup functionalities.
• Email Notifications: Nodemailer is used to send email notifications for various actions, such as login, signup, reset password, reporting of tweets, etc.
• OT (Operational Transformation): This technology ensures seamless collaboration on data, particularly when multiple users are editing the same content simultaneously.
• Frontend: React.js + Vite
• Backend: Node.js, Express.js
• Database: MongoDB
• Real-time Messaging:
• Email Notifications: Nodemailer
git clone
cd frontend
npm install
cd backend
npm install
Create a .env file in the root directory and configure your database connection string and any other environment variables.
npm start
npm run dev
This will start both the backend server and the frontend development server. You can access the application at http://localhost:5173 in your web browser.