This is a library to make 2 LCD screens 128*32 screens to work as one 128*64 screen
You may have two 128*32 LCD screens and you want to transform them into one 128*64 screen, then this library is what you need. It's a library that implements all the Adafruit-SSD1306 library functions and adapt them to your needs. By using it, you can draw shapes, write words and draw Bitmap images.
This C++ library includes the following functions :
- drawPixel
- drawLine
- drawRect
- fillRect
- fillScreen
- drawCircle
- drawCircleHelper
- fillCircle
- fillCircleHelper
- drawTriangle
- fillTriangle
- drawRoundRect
- fillRoundRect
- drawBitmap
- drawBitmap
- drawXBitmap
- drawChar
- write
After adding the Driver files in your projects, you only need to include the header file and create an object, then you are ready to go :
#include "Double_screen.h"
Double_screen mydoubleScreen;
The Demo folder containts a Keil µVision project and uses the double_screen library to draw shapes and bitmaps on the two LCD screens.
- two 128*32 SSD1306 LCD screens (I2C communication bus)
- STM32F4 discovery board
You can find the demo Youtube video here.