Laravel 5.7 & VueJs based - See it live
Files for the challenge are located at /dist => Index,+css+js files
-> Please Consider to disable the "reduce data usage" on your Chrome (Android Browser), in order for $request->ip to work and get the real IP address instead of Google servers proxy.
All Files are found on this repo separated as branches, so you can get whatever you like from the project. 🔆
Contain only basics elements that i needed to get an idea on the final project, that's why i use the
Simple Api based on laravel framewor 5.7 and JWT-token lib to get the token, the app is far from being finished but some parts are already developped like StoreAdd,UserProfile,LikeddislikeRevoke...also you can clone it and enjoy..
Vuejs is already implemented on Laravel but in this ^project i wanna separate everything 'As asked on the challenge.
The coding challenge is about implementing an app that lists shops nearby.
-> As a User, I can sign up using my email & password ✔️
-> As a User, I can sign in using my email & password ✔️
-> As a User, I can display the list of shops sorted by distance ✔️
-> As a User, I can like a shop, so it can be added to my preferred shops ✔️
Bonus point (those items are optional):
-> As a User, I can dislike a shop, so it won’t be displayed within “Nearby Shops” list during the next 2 hours ❌
-> As a User, I can display the list of preferred shops ✔️
-> As a User, I can remove a shop from my preferred shops list ✔️
Added Funcs
-> As a User you can filter on bouth sections (Shops & Pereferred) by distance (km) ✔️
-> You can't like/Add if !Auth ✔️
-> Likes count, dislikes count and votes count ✔️
-> Full falsh notification (From scratch) ✔️
-> Spinner on loading ✔️
-> Like and dislike system fully functional ('new_vote' -> like or dislike, 'delete_vote' -> liked/disliked delete it ,'update_vote' ->liked it before and you dislike it now).
and much more that you can find on the code.
2 ways to do it:
Perfect way: Create a table with user_id, shop_id, start_time, ended_time (ended_time will be auto calculated by adding 2h) after that it's server time (Real time database like firebase/ cron job script on server or a script on client side{not that cool})
Okey way: Using localstorage or Cookies and set time to 2 hours, but it can bypassed so easy by deleting theme from the browser.
i left all the files non-compiled and separated so you can Check, Clone and benefit from them, You can do that by Running using the npm
npm run dev -> to lauch
npm run build -> to get the Dist file
-> Clone file to your envirement
-> Create a database (.sql file on repo or use migration if you want empty tables) on your server and add it to .env
-> php artisan serve
-> if you are all set You can go directly to .../api/shops to see the stores
PS : If you are using localhost (make sure to change $request->ip on ShopsControllers both in Controllers and Account/controllers)
npm run serve -> to lauch
npm run build -> to get the Dist file
-> Client side
What i would like to do is use Gmaps to get shops by distance like in a 20km distance and if it got a vote add it to database in this case you can use Gmaps as source.
Info : Shops image is static tabel is set (Medias) so you can start from here and create it
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details