This Plugin was created to connect 'Shipping and mailing service in Morocco' with Lamacom Maroc E-commerce website in user-friendly way (WooCommerce Plugin).
- Easy to install and update.
- Settings page to add you Auth info, API urls and shipping costs based on cities list.
- Send products to Cathedis Hub "Plateform" When order is completed. WooCommerce -> Orders -> single order
- Ignore duplicated if status changed after.
- Adding a dropdown to Billing and Shipping pages to select cities and departements.
- Keep tracking of the package status (No c-job needed) Cathedis -> history page.
- Keep tracking of the package inside page order.
- Download bulk pickup invoices.
- Download delivery invoices.
- Using cities directly from Cathedis, ( Dropdown in both front checkout page and dashboard order single page, Billing & shipping adresse )
And more...
- WooCommerce.
- TailwindCss.
- Ayoub Bousetta