This is a main board of a low-power battery powered IoT device controller based on ESP8266 (ESP-WROOM-02) that drives peripheral devices on I2C bus.
Currenly the project is under development and you can help in the following way:
- Suggest new features and report bugs
- Submit pull requests
- Help fund the development by donating via PayPal
Currently this project is licensed as GNU AGPLv3. This is intended to be changed to Apache or MIT when I get a better feel of the project and see how it moves forward. I would accept suggestions of a qualified lawyer as I need help figuring out how to move forward.
Most prototyping boards are exactly what they say - designed for prototyping and difficult to apply in a production device or if you are a hardcore hobbyist. Unlike those projects, the Eggboard is intended to be a final solution that lets you hook your peripherals to an I2C bus and enjoy a low-power battery operation, wireless charging, and WiFi connectivity out of the box.
- WiFi capability via ESP8266
- Own I2C port that allows I2C communication, sleep power line, ability to operate when host sleeps, and a host wakeup channel
- Customizable (via resistance change) sleep timer that drives the host and all of the peripherals
- Battery operation
- Wireless and USB-C charging
- USB-C programming via esptool or Arduino IDE (and other compatible IDEs and methods)
The example implementation is a Nour Egg plant ecosystem controller that is under development. This device is going to be commercially available for purchase in 2022 along with free downloadable app and a cloud-based analytics platform.
Key features of the Nour Egg:
- Monitor air quality, soil moisture, and lighting conditions of your home plant
- Low-power operation that runs for months on a single charge, and wireless charging
- WiFi connectivity to report statistics to the cloud and Nour Egg app
- Appealing look and feel in a nice shell and beautiful RGB light indicators
Implemented peripherals:
- Soil moisture sensor based on capacitance sensing using a coplanar capacitor probe
- Air quality sensor
- Light sensor
- LED indicators board driving 18 leds or 6 RGB leds
The versioning works by bird names, e.g. see NA Birds by Size:
Milestone | Release Date | Focus |
Pine Siskin | September 2021 | Hardware design |
Pygmy Nuthatch | December 2021 | PoC Cloud and App |
Winter Wren | March 2022 | Production feasible enclosure |
Hutton's Vireo | June 2022 | Production feasible hardware, test board production |
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