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329 lines (283 loc) · 11.8 KB

Vivaldi Tweaks

This repository contains tweaks and customizations for Vivaldi Browser. The documentation assumes working knowledge of messing around with Vivaldi in general, as well as css and html.

Because Vivaldi is closed source (especially the UI layer) the documentation for tweaks may be annoyingly vague at times.


Important Paths

(For Windows)

%localappdata%\Vivaldi\Application\[version]\resources\vivaldi\ %localappdata%\Vivaldi\Application\[version]\resources\vivaldi\user_files %localappdata%\Vivaldi\Application\User Data\default

├── Application
│		└── [version]
│   		├── resources
│   		└── vivaldi
│       		├── background-common-bundle.js
│       		├── user_files
│       		│ 	└── [page action css/js]
│       		└── style
│       				├── common.css
│       				└── common.js
└── User Data
		└── default
    	├── extensions
    	└── cache

Vivaldi URLs List


Browser Inspector

The browser inspector can be found at the Vivaldi URL vivaldi://inspect/#apps.

It can also be added to the general context menu by setting the flag vivaldi://flags/#debug-packed-apps to enabled

Some of these are useful for menu customization, like vivaldi://bookmarks

Vivaldi Chrome Policies

Vivaldi Chrome Policies can be accessed at vivaldi://policy/. Vivaldi does not technically support these policies as far as I am aware and some behavior may be unexpected.

The only Chrome Policy I use personally is DisablePrintPreview to force Vivaldi to use the system print dialog instead of Chrome's print preview (which as of the time of writing cannot be swapped via keyboard shortcuts on Windows 10).

To do this on Windows 10:

  • Create a new key named Vivaldi in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\
  • Add a new REG_DWORD in the newly created key (Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Vivaldi) with the name DisablePrintPreview and a value of 1 (for true)
  • To confirm that the policy has been set navigate to vivaldi://policy. You may need to click Reload Policies even after restarting your browser.
  • If it's been set correctly DisablePrintPreview will show up with the set value, and using the Ctrl+P shortcut will go directly to the Windows System print dialog

I was not succesfully in using AutoOpenFileTypes.

CSS Tweaks

Recent versions of Vivaldi allow a styles directory to be defined in the general settings (previous versions required chrome userstyles type styles) and can be placed anywhere.

Here are a few I use.

Uniform Browser UI text-size

#browser, #browser + div, #browser + div + div {
	font-size:12px !important;

Hide Synced Tabs Icon

.synced-tabs-button {
	display:none !important;

Remove Spacing Between Tab Bar and Horizontal Menu

.tabs-top.stacks-on#browser.native.linux .topmenu, .topmenu {
	margin-bottom:0px !important;
#browser.native.linux.normal, {
	padding-top:0px !important;

Remove Spacing Between 'Add Web Panel' and 'Settings'

#switch > button.preferences {
	margin-top:initial !important;

Make Web Panel Headers Bold

.panel > header h1 {
	font-weight:bold !important;

Active Web Panel Color + Bold

#switch > {

Hide Trash Icon

.button-toolbar.toggle-trash {
	display:none !important;

Change Panel Icon Order

#switch > {
	order: int

Make Extension Drawer Icon Less Prominent

.extensionPopupIcons svg {
	height:20px !important;
	fill:var(--colorFgFadedMost) !important;

Disable Panel Icon on click scaling

#switch .addwebpanel-wrapper > button:active svg,
#switch > button:active svg {
	transform:scale(1) !important;

Hide Reader View Button in Address Bar

Somewhat useful if you are using an alternative Reader View extension like Mecury Reader. Important to note that setting the flag vivaldi://flags/#enable-reader-mode to disabled does not work and won't remove the icon from the address bar.

button[title="Reader View"] {
	display:none !important;

UI SVG Icons

Vivaldi's inline UI SVG icons can be somewhat customized via CSS but does not work well for more complicated icons. This method of customization is documented on the Vivaldi forums.

An example of the above from user luetage is below in the event that the thread gets deleted or moved.

.UrlBar button[title="Go to homepage"] svg path {
    d: path("M 4 6 h 18 v 2.5 h -3.5 v 11.5 h -2.5 v -9.5 h -6 v 9.5 h -2.5 v -11.5 h -3.5 Z");

Almost all of Vivaldi's icons are inline SVGs loaded into the browser from background-common-bundle.js, which as compiled and minified is ~1.5MB. To make this file less cumbersome to traverse I recommend beautifying it (after backing up the original), and the below notes use line numbers that will assume that you are working with it beautified.

This can be done a variety of ways, I use the the python package js-beautify. The online version may struggle with the file size - if so, install the command line version.

The definitions of the UI SVGs can be found in the ballpark of lines 39400-39650 46200-46500. If these line numbers are not helpful for whatever reason, search for e.exports = '<svg width="16" height="16" xmlns=""> to get in the right area.

The following are in order of how they appear in background-common-bundle.js in Vivaldi version 3.5.2115.81, with unique strings (pulled from as early in the code as possible) to help identify them as well.

Changes made will be reverted on browser update.

String Icon
M11.1425 14.123L8 10.9091L4.8575 Address Bar Bookmark Button
M1 2.5A1.5 1.5 0 012.5 Start Page Tab Favicon
M5 2C4.44772 2 Bookmark Tab Favicon
M7.329 5a.75.75 Warning symbol
M7.13381 2.50139 Warning symbol
M11.256 4.73144L2.67246 Warning Symbol
M15.2929 20.7071C15.6834 Main navigation back button
M9.29289 19.2929C8 Main navigation forward button
M17 18C17 18.5523 16.5523 Main navigation fast forward
M9 8C9 7.44772 Main navigation rewind
M14.0607 5.14645C13 Main navigation home button
M20 6.20711C20 5.76166 Main navigation refresh button
M8.70711 7.29289C8.31658 Close X symbol
M16.2929 20.2929L13 Bookmark Panel
M13 6C11.8954 Down arrow
M4 2C4 1.44772 Calendar
M4 1C3.44772 1 3 Calendar
M21 9C21 7.89543 Calendar
M8 14C11.3137 14 14 11.3137 Alarm Clock - small
M8 13.4C10.9823 Alarm Clock - medium
M13 20.3C17.0317 Alarm Clock - Large
M0 2h14.546c.359 0 .715 Send/share outline
M16 3.869c0-.557-.461 Send/share solid
M22 8.086c0-.696 Send/share solid
M7.5 4C7.22386 4 7 History
M7 5.5C7 5.22386 7.22386 History
M5 13C5 11.1401 5 History Panel
"m6.64645 7.64645c Email
M13.414.5c-.398 0-.7 Notes
M14.05 1.28a.96.96 0 Notes
M9 16h2.53l7-7 Notes
M6.32251 9 Contacts
M10.4243 7.42417 Selection ??
M2 1C1.44772 1 1 1.44772 Selection ??
M7 6C6.44772 6 6 6.44772 Selection
9 3.5c0-.27614-.22386 Email send?
M2 4.5a.5.5 Sort?
M1 3.5a.5.5 0 01.5-.5h13 Sort? Bold
M4.5 6a.5.5 0 00-.5 Sort?
M0 2h14.546c.359 0 Send/share? Outline
M16 3.869c0-.557 Send/share? Solid
M22 8.086c0-.696 Send/share? solid
M9.915 6.939h3 Circular arrows?
M10.065 7.082l4 Circular arrows
M19.929 12h.071 Circular arrows
M3 2h10v1H3V2zM2 Trash?
M13 3v2H3V3h10zM2.1 Trash?
M19 9V7H7v2h12zm2 Trash?
M8 6.5h.5v-2 Right arrow?
M8.006 3.839 Right arrow solid
M12.007 8.00 Right arrow solid
M7.5 6.001l.001 Undo?
M7.994 3 Undo solid
M13.993 8.007l.00 Undo
M8.5 6.001l.001.499h Undo two layers?
M6.203 3.914c0 Undo double?
M11 7.895c0 Same as above
M7.256 13h-2.256 Delete Note
M11.5 7.091v- Delete note
M5 6c0-1.1.9 Delete note
M6 4c0-.552-.4 Directory tree?
M8 6c1.105 0 2 Same as above
M8 6c1.105 Same as above
M3 4c0-.552.448-1 List?
M8 16c1.105 0 2 Same as above
M8 16c1.105 0 2 .895 Similar to above
m7.29386.706223c Email open
"M1.293 7.293l6-6c Same as above
M14.414 5c-.781 Same as above
M14 11v-5c-.351 Unread Email
M14 5c1.105 0 2-.895 Same as above
M21.5 10c1.381 0 Same as above
M6.777 16.002c-1.32 Attachment Paperclip
M14.5 1.28a1.04 Compose ? New Note?
M11.25 21.4a6.25 Bold attachment paperclip
M2.357 3.36A1.238 1.238 Move folder
M8 4.958L6.8 3H Move folder, dark
M11.293 6.293l1.414 Same as above
"M7 18C7 19.1046 Note?
M11.2774 8.9856C11.6733 RSS
"M19 12C19 12.0568 Cloud Sync Solid
M15.2222 7C13.3064 Cloud Sync Outline
M10.2132 18H18 Cloud Sync Error?
M11 15C11 15.5523 Cloud Options
M11 6C11 5.44772 Downloads Panel
M5.01415 3.98943C4.43062 Revert?
"M7.60744 11.9857C6.6858 Bolder Revert
M13 6c-3.866 Same as above
M16 13l-6 5V8l6 5z Right pointing triangle - maybe play?
M9 9v8h3v-8zM14 Pause
M8 5C6.34314 5 New Tab Enclosed Plus Sign
M13.1429 11H2 ??
<rect x="2" y="10" width="12" height="4" rx="1" />\n <rect x="9 Same as above but solid
width="15" height="4" rx="1"/>\n <rect x="15" y="10" width="2" Same as above
M12 14H9C8.44772 14 8 13.5523 Add Web Panel
M11.1464 3.06066C11 Edit?
M10.7929 2.70711L10 Edit? Larger
M16 6.12132L16.7071 Same as above
M2.35717 3.36075C2.13323 Folder, outline
M9.47244 10.3917C8.9108 Search Magnifying Glass
M8.75739 10.1716C7.96696 Same as above
M13.76 15.17a5 Same as above
M12.5 16L8.86568 Downward triangle / carrot
M10 13l3.634-3 Left facing triangle / carrot
M16 13l-3.634 Right facing triangle / carrot
M8 6C6.34315 Maybe panels ??
M8 6C6.34315 6 5 Maybe panels ??
M8 1c1.55 0 2.9.28 Database Stack
M8 2c1.72 0 3.2.3 Same as above
M14.6 3c-1.4-.6-3.3-1-5 Variation on Above
M7.4 1.7C7.8.7 6.4.2 Coffee / Java?
M7.4 1.7C7.8.7 6.4.2 5.6 Coffee / Java Solid
7.4c.1 1.4 2.1 2.3 3.1 Same as above
M3 3h10a1 1 0 011 Pause
1H3a1 1 0 01-1-1z Same as Above
003-3V9a3 3 0 00-3-3zM6 Same as Above
012 2v8a2 2 0 01-2 2H3a2 Play
7V5.7A.8.8 0 017.3 5z Play, Solid
1v8a1 1 0 01-1 1H7a1 Play, solid
M8.992 3.823l-.208-1.823h-1.571l Settings Gear
M9.711 1.296l.207 1.817c.491.193.945.458 Settings Gear, Solid
.197-.195.296-.293.296h-2.684c Settings Gear
M8.581 3h-3.581l-.117.007 Flag
"M4 3h4.697l.02.002c Flag
M8 7h5.697l.02.002 Flag
M4 3h3.586l5 5L8 Tag, Outline
M7.146 1.146A.5.5 Tag, Solid
M12.004 5.146A.5.5 0 Tag, Solid
M21 8C21 6.89543 20.1046 Window Panel Icon
M23 8C23 6.89543 22.1046 6 21 Image Cache ?
M10.5 6C9.11929 6 8 7.11929 8 8.5C8 Capture Page
M7 6C5.34315 6 4 Tile Tabs
M7 6C5.89543 6 5 6.89543 Tile Tabs
M9.79289 5.79285L4.08578 Page Actions
<circle cx="8" cy="8" r="3" />\n</svg> Circle / Dot
M10.5 2C10.2239 2 10 Trash
M10.5 2C10.2239 2 10 Trash
M15.5 7c-.276 0-.5-.224-.5 Trash
M3 4c-.552 0-1 .448-1 Block Video
M5.854 2.354c.195-.195 ?? Permission
M9.271 2.787c.999-1.078 Flash Permission Icon
"M8 2.5c-1.933 0-3.5 Location Permission
M3.021 5.5c.276 0 . 0 Microphone Permission
M4 2c-.552 0-1 .448-1 Audio Input Permission
M8 4.099v-.002l-.767.184 Notification Permission
M4 10.5c0 .276-.224 ?? Permission
M13.3 2c.126 0 .241.047 ?? Permission