This project is a Bookkeeper API containing books within a 'booklist.' Each book contains the title, author, description and genre.
The program allows the user to have a book stored in their 'booklist' as well as allowing them to categorise them into "Reading," "Read" and "To_Read" to add further personalisation.
The user is able to filter books based on author, genre and rating.
A user object contains an id, full name, an email address and their own booklist.
Books contains an id, title, author, description and genre.
OwnedBook contains the status, user and book.
The class diagram shows the relationships and attributes of each model. It can be found in the "UML Diagram Backend Final.png" file.
The entity relationship diagram shows the relationship between each model in the database. It can be found in the "Entity Relationship Diagram Final Backend.png" file.
The technologies used for this project are:
- Intellij IDEA, running JDK 17
- Spring Boot
- PostgreSQL
- Postman
Please also refer to the above video when using Postman
Each model - User, Book and OwnedBook - have REST controllers that provide basic CRUD functionality, specifically Index, Show, Create, Update and Delete routes. The User and Book models also have additional functionality, described below:
GET http://localhost:8080/books
returns all books in JSON format and can be accessed via web browser- This method is available for all other models
GET http://localhost:8080/books/{bookId}
returns books with unique id = {id} and can be accessed via web browser
POST http://localhost:8080/books
creates a book with a unique id, and returns the created book.- Attributes of this new book must be sent within the request body in Postman.
PUT http://localhost:8080/books/{bookId}
updates books with unique id = {id} and returns the updated book.- All attributes, changed or not, must be included in the request body in Postman.
DELETE http://localhost:8080/books/{bookId}
deletes book with unique id = {id}.- This must be done in Postman. If delete request is successful, Http status 202 - no content - is returned.
The book model contains filters and a sort that allow the user to narrow their search. Filters can be applied based on author, genre and rating. Books can also be sorted by title, author and rating.
- Spring Web
- SpringBoot Devtools
- Spring Data JPA
- Aya Hezam (Github: aya-rh)
- Leah Simon (Github: nsleeah)
- Ramiro Richmand (Github: ramirorichmand)