This package is an open source extension for MikroORM, which enables Nested Set Tree for your needs
For now, this package doesn't support multiple trees, but it may change in near future
npm install mikroorm-nested-set
At first, you have to create a new entity-type class and extend NestedSetSubjectAbstract (Keep in mind that you have to pass your entity for generic type)
import {NestedSetSubjectAbstract} from "mikroorm-nested-set";
import {Cascade, Collection, Entity, ManyToOne, OneToMany, PrimaryKey, Property} from "@mikro-orm/core";
export class CategoryFake extends NestedSetSubjectAbstract<CategoryFake>{
@PrimaryKey({ type: 'number' })
id: number;
@Property({ type: 'number' })
left: number;
@Property({ type: 'number' })
right: number;
@Property({ type: 'number' })
depth: number;
entity: () => CategoryFake,
mappedBy: category => category.parent,
cascade: [Cascade.ALL],
eager: true,
orphanRemoval: true
children = new Collection<CategoryFake>(this)
entity: () => CategoryFake
parent: CategoryFake
getIdentifier(): number | string {
getIdentifierName(): string {
return 'id'
After that, you have to create a repository for your new entity. (It's required for extra tree methods)
import {NestedSetSubjectRepository} from "mikroorm-nested-set";
import {CategoryFake} from "./category.fake";
export class CategoryFakeRepository extends NestedSetSubjectRepository<CategoryFake> {}
Don't forget about migration file if you chose migration files way
const nestedSetNodeOperator = new NestedSetNodeOperator<Category>()
const mainCategory = new Category() = 'Main'
mainCategory.parent = null
const manCategory = new Category() = 'man'
const womanCategory = new Category() = 'Woman'
nestedSetNodeOperator.addNode(manCategory, mainCategory, mainCategory)
nestedSetNodeOperator.addNode(womanCategory, mainCategory, mainCategory)
const famousShoesCategory = new Category() = 'Famous shoes category'
const manJeans = new Category() = 'Jeans'
nestedSetNodeOperator.addNode(manJeans, manCategory, mainCategory)
nestedSetNodeOperator.addNode(famousShoesCategory, womanCategory, mainCategory)
await this.categoryRepository.persistAndFlushTree(mainCategory)
const writableTree = await this.categoryRepository.findWritableTree()
const nestedSetNodeOperator = new NestedSetNodeOperator<Category>()
const manShirtsCategory = new Category() = 'man shirts'
const manShoesCategory = new Category() = 'man shoes Category'
const nodeToRemove = nestedSetNodeOperator.findNodeInTree(writableTree, {
getIdentifier(): number | string {
return 124 // Just some random unneccessary category
nestedSetNodeOperator.removeNode(nodeToRemove, writableTree)
const manCategory = nestedSetNodeOperator.findNodeInTree(writableTree, {
getIdentifier(): number | string {
return 2 // Man category
nestedSetNodeOperator.addNode(manShirtsCategory, manCategory, writableTree)
nestedSetNodeOperator.addNode(manShoesCategory, manCategory, writableTree)
await this.categoryRepository.persistAndFlushTree(writableTree)
const writableTree = await this.categoryRepository.findWritableTree()
const nestedSetNodeOperator = new NestedSetNodeOperator<Category>()
// You can pass either whole object or object with getIdentifier implemanation
const nodeToEdit = nestedSetNodeOperator.findNodeInTree(writableTree, {
getIdentifier(): number | string {
return 124
nodeToEdit.customProperty = '123'
await this.categoryRepository.persistAndFlushTree(writableTree)
npm run test
- More unit tests, especially with operator API
- Support for multiple trees
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.