Releases: axle2005/ClearMob
Beta Test
2.2.2 Patch1
Not a full release so not posted to Ore.
ClearMob 2.1.2
ClearMob 2.1.1
Beta Release
Added New Feature: Mob Compression
Adds New Options to Config.
“compressEntities”: [
“mobs”: false,
“animals”: false,
“enabled”: false
Note Animals are not currently supported.
Note Feature will compress mobs of similar type together and will display the count above the entity. Killing the entity will reduce the number by 1.
ClearMob 2.0.1
Bug fixes and API7 release
ClearMob 2.0.0
Massive Code Rewrite.
- Config gets overwritten
ClearMob 1.3.4.b
Added Whitelist/Blacklist option for Items per request.
ClearMob 1.3.4
Added features:
Item BlackList.
Items added to this list will not be removed when KillDrops is enabled.
Nametag check
Entities Labeled with a Nametag do not get removed.
Fixed AnimalGroups throwing NPE.
Added several comments to config (Will automatically apply to old configs)
ClearMob 1.3.1
Removed ListType (Will always remove whats on the list)
Added Info Command.
Added features to run command.
Fixed Colored messages.
- Bug Fix for Version 1.3.0
ClearMob 1.3.0
- Removed ListType (Will always remove whats on the list)
- Added Info Command.
- Added features to run command.
- Fixed Colored messages.