Welcome to this Introduction to microServiceBus.com course. Before we begin you need to install and familiarize yourself with the tools we’re are going to use throughout this course.
Google Chrome may or may not be your favorite browser, however you'll be using Chrome Dev Tools in some labs which is why you should have it installed.
Browse to https://nodejs.org and download and install the latest stable version of Node.js (LTS). Once installed, you should be able to run Node by opening a command prompt/terminal and type “node”. You are now in node, and can start typing JavaScript! Try typing console.log('Hello from Node.js')
to verify it works. You can exit by closing the terminal or by hitting CTRL+C twice.
Proceed by installing Visual Studio Code, which you can download from https://code.visualstudio.com/download. After completed, familiarize yourself with some of the basics.
Optionally install the mSB extension
In some of the labs, we’re going to call Web API’s, and Postman is an excellent tool to use for testing those services. Postman is be downloaded and installed from here.
Git is a version control system that is used for software development and other version control tasks. -Every developer with pride should have it installed.
Create a GitHub account and send it to patrik.sohlman@axians.com. We’ll be covering git integration and will add you to our tutorial repo.