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Vertex MLOps Template Quickstart

In this guide, you will set up and deploy a minimal machine learning project on Vertex AI. You will learn the template's code structure, set up a training and deployment pipeline, define a custom training task, and deploy your model to production.

The app we create will only have default functionality, but will demostrate the fundamentals of this system.


Before beginning the quickstart, please make sure the following steps are complete:

  1. Select or create a google cloud project, and note its ID for later. We will refer to it in this guide as PROJECT_ID.
    (project selector)

    export PROJECT_ID=... # your project ID here
  2. Select a location for your project resources and make a note of it -- for example, us-central1. (Some Vertex services require co-location between tasks, so it is advised that all Vertex worloads run in the same region). We will refer to it in this guide as REGION.

    export REGION=us-central1 # you can replace this with your preferred region 
  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your cloud project. (documentation)

  4. Enable the Vertex AI and Cloud Storage APIs. (enable the APIs)

  5. Install and initialize the Google Cloud CLI. (documentation)

  6. Update and install gcloud components:

    gcloud components update && \
    gcloud components install beta
  7. Configure a cloud storage bucket for the project:

    export BUCKET_NAME=... # your bucket name here (no 'gs://' in front)
    # if necessary, create the bucket
    gsutil mb -p ${PROJECT_ID} -l REGION gs://${BUCKET_NAME}
  8. Install python, virtualenv, and pip locally. (methods vary)

For the CICD section of this guide, the following steps must also be completed:

  1. Select or create a Docker Artifact Registry. We will refer to it as ARTIFACT_REPO. (documentation)

    export ARTIFACT_REPO=... # your artifact repo here (only required for CICD)
  2. Enable the Cloud Build APIs. (enable the APIs)

Note: this quickstart assumes that you are following along on your local development machine. However it is also possible to follow this guide on a user-managed Vertex Workbench instance. (documentation)

export PROJECT_ID= # your project ID here
export BUCKET_NAME= # your bucket name here

Clone the Repository

Begin by cloning the Vertex MLOps Template repository.

git clone
cd vertex-mlops-template

Install python dependencies

We will be interacting extensively with the mlops_manager module, and the bin/ wrapper script. To ensure that they work correctly,

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create an App

First, create an app. The default code we will use performs classification on the public flowers Flower Dataset, so let's call this app flowers_quickstart.

export APP_NAME=flowers_quickstart
./bin/ start app --app-name ${APP_NAME}

Note: Mind your hyphens and underscores. At the moment, there is little to no string validation to prevent you from passing invalid arguments when starting templates. Template names should always be valid python identifiers, which allow underscores but not hyphens. However option names and other template variables such as URLs use hyphens. If something's not working, it's possible that it's a typo.

This will create a new app folder in your project, which should look like this:

tree ${APP_NAME}/
├── Dockerfile
├── flowers_quickstart
│   ├── components
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── models
│   │   └──
│   ├── pipelines
│   │   └──
│   └── tasks
│       └──
├── notebooks
├── pytest.ini
├── requirements.txt

6 directories, 10 files

Aside: What's an App?

The Vertex MLOps Template organizes a project into discrete "apps", which are standalone python modules and docker environments. This helps teams with multiple data science tasks organize them in the same git repository, while sharing common libraries and files. This is just one of many ways you could organize an AI project.

Create a Pipeline

We now have an app, but it doesn't do much yet. Let's create a Vertex pipeline called flowers_train_deploy that will train and deploy our model. The pipeline template trains and deploys an AutoML model on this dataset by default, so no code modification will be necessary.

export PIPELINE_NAME=flowers_train_deploy
./bin/ start pipeline \
    --app-name ${APP_NAME} \
    --pipeline-name ${PIPELINE_NAME}

This will create new pipeline and test files located within the flowers_quickstart/flowers_quickstart/pipelines directory. If you inspect them with a code editor, you will find that defines a pipeline function, but can also function as a command line script to compile and run the pipeline. You can customize this functionality by modifying the compile, run_job and parse_args functions.

Compile and Run the Pipeline

Compile the pipeline and submit it to Vertex AI from your development machine with the following commands:

Important: The following command changes the working directory to that of the recently created app. Subsequent quickstart sections will assume that your working directory is now flowers_quickstart/.

cd ${APP_NAME}
gcloud auth application-default login
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m ${APP_NAME}.pipelines.${PIPELINE_NAME} compile \
    --output ${PIPELINE_NAME}.json

Note: The command below can take a long time to execute.

python -m ${APP_NAME}.pipelines.${PIPELINE_NAME} run \
    --package ${PIPELINE_NAME}.json \
    --pipeline_root gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/${APP_NAME}/${PIPELINE_NAME} \
    --project ${PROJECT_ID}

(Optional) Iterate in a Notebook

We have already created a simple pipeline that trains and deploys a robust AutoML model. However in the real world, data science is a highly iterative process. While the data science aspects of this problem are beyond the scope of this quickstart, you can use this opportunity to experiment with the dataset and tools in a notebook using the following commands:

pip install jupyter
pip install -e ${APP_NAME}
jupyter notebooks

Note: there is a notebooks/ subdirectory intended to contain any notebooks related to the app.

Create a Custom Training Task

TODO(axelmagn): complete this section

../bin/ start task \
    --variant train-tf \

Create a CICD Configuration

Ideally, this pipeline should re-trigger periodically whenever the model code or dataset changes. On Google Cloud, this is handled by the Cloud Build service. We can create a simple CICD configuration that will build a docker container for our app and submit the pipeline.

../bin/ start cicd \
    --app-name ${APP_NAME} \
    --gcp-region ${REGION} \
    --artifact-repo ${ARTIFACT_REPO} \
    --artifact-gcs-root gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/${APP_NAME}/build \
    --pipeline-name ${PIPELINE_NAME} \
    --pipeline-root gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/${APP_NAME}/${PIPELINE_NAME}

This will create a cloudbuild.yaml file in your app directory which builds, tests, and deploys the flowers_train_deploy pipeline. You can submit this as a cloud build job with the following command:

Note: The command below can take a long time to execute.

gcloud builds submit

Automated deployment is beyond the scope of this quickstart, however, please consult the following resources for more information on how it may be accomplished: