This document outlines how to create a proposal that sets a new string value in a DummyState.sol deployed on Avalanche
from Ethereum
You must have deployed instances of InterchainProposalSender
and InterchainProposalExecutor
. Your InterchainProposalSender
must be whitelisted for the InterchainProposalExecutor
import { Contract, Wallet } from "ethers";
import {
} from "@axelar-network/axelarjs-sdk";
// ABI for the relevant contracts
const senderABI = [...];
const governorAlphaABI = [...];
// Contract addresses
const DummyContractAddressOnAvalanche = "0xDummyContractAddressOnAvalanche";
const ProposalExecutorAddressOnAvalanche =
const GovernorAlphaAddressOnEthereum = "0xGovernorAlphaAddressOnEthereum";
const InterchainProposalSenderAddressOnEthereum =
// Set up your wallet
const signer = new ethers.Wallet("YOUR_EVM_PRIVATE_KEY");
// Initialize the contracts
const governorAlphaContract = new Contract(
const sender = new Contract(
This part of the script sets up your wallet and initializes the GovernorAlpha
and InterchainProposalSender
contracts on Ethereum.
// Axelar API setup for gas gas estimation
const axelarApi = new AxelarQueryAPI({ environment: Environment.MAINNET });
// Estimate Axelar Relayer gas for execution on the destination chain
const relayerFee = await axelarApi.estimateGasFee(
1_000_000, // Estimated gas limit needed for executing your transaction on the destination chain
1.2, // Multiplier for overestimation
Here, the script estimates the gas gas for the execution of your transaction on the destination chain using Axelar API.
You can opt to execute your proposal on a single destination chain or multiple chains.
Proposal Payload Encoding
const proposalExecutions = [
target: dummyState.address,
value: 0,
callData: new ethers.utils.Interface([
"function setState(string)",
]).encodeFunctionData("setState", ["Hello World"]),
This step encodes the proposal payload, which is then dispatched to the destination chain. This payload represents the specific transaction you want to execute.
Proposing Transaction to the Governor Contract
// Propose the payload to the Governor contract
await governorAlphaContract.propose(
[relayerFee], // The `relayerFee` from step 2 is used here.
["string", "string", "(address target, uint256 value, bytes callData)[]"],
["Avalanche", ProposalExecutorAddressOnAvalanche, proposalExecutions]
`A proposal to set "Hello World" message at Avalanche chain`
If you wish to propose to multiple chains, use a similar approach to the single destination chain, but use the sendProposals
function like the following:
const proposalExecutions = [
destinationChain: "Avalanche",
destinationContract: ProposalExecutorAddressOnAvalanche,
gas: ethers.utils.parseEther(relayerFee),
calls: [
target: dummyState.address,
value: 0,
callData: new ethers.utils.Interface([
"function setState(string)",
]).encodeFunctionData("setState", ["Hello World"]),
destinationChain: "Fantom",
destinationContract: ProposalExecutorAddressOnFantom,
gas: ethers.utils.parseEther(relayerFee2), // Note that the relayer gas must be calculated separately for each execution.
calls: [
target: dummyState.address,
value: 0,
callData: new ethers.utils.Interface([
"function setState(string)",
]).encodeFunctionData("setState", ["Hello World"]),
Proposing Transaction to the Governor Contract
// Propose the payload to the Governor contract
await governorAlphaContract.propose(
[relayerFee], // The `relayerFee` from step 2 is used here.
"(string destinationChain,string destinationContract,uint256 gas,(address target,uint256 value,bytes callData)[] calls)[]",
`A proposal to set "Hello World" message at Avalanche chain and Fantom chain`
This results in the proposal payload being submitted to the Governor contract, which triggers the subsequent stages of voting, queuing, and execution. This culminates in the invocation of the sendProposal
or sendProposals
function on the InterchainProposalSender
contract on Ethereum, setting off the interchain method call.
The sample code snippet instructs the InterchainProposalSender
contract on Ethereum to initiate an interchain method call via the Axelar Network. Specifically, the proposal aims to alter the DummyContract.sol
on Avalanche, updating a string to "Hello World". Upon proposal creation, it follows the typical governance process.