Docker run leanote
Bad english, that's all.
Image based mongo:3.2, data has been initialized, no database version need edit configuration file, then restart container.
- latest(Dockerfile)
- nodb(Dockerfile)
- lite(Dockerfile)
- nodb-arm(Dockerfile)
- lite-arm(Dockerfile)
full: full featured, for easy use
nodb: include some tools
lite: include leanote only, not support backup db and export pdf in web
After imported data, these configuration should according to real envirmont update.
# mongdb
db.dbname=leanote # required
db.username= # if not exists, please leave it blank
db.password= # if not exists, please leave it blank
# or you can set the mongodb url for more complex needs the format is:
# mongodb://myuser:mypass@localhost:40001,otherhost:40001/mydb
# db.url=mongodb://root:root123@localhost:27017/leanote
# db.urlEnv=${MONGODB_URL} # set url from env. eg. mongodb://root:root123@localhost:27017/leanote
For easier to back up or migrate, suggest shard these folder.
/data/db # Inner MongoDB data catalog, nodb version not contains this folder.
/data/leanote/conf # Configuration file in this folder.
/data/leanote/files # The file or images upload in this folder.
/data/leanote/public/upload # Head image path
docker run -d --name leanote \
-v `pwd`/db:/data/db \
-v `pwd`/conf/:/data/leanote/conf \
-v `pwd`/files:/data/leanote/files \
-p 9000:9000 \
- Option one
Back up data by backing up files, not support major version updates
- Option two
Using admin system backup, not support lite version
- Option three
backup db by self
Default timezone is Beijing/China(GMT+8), if want to edit, see here.
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
echo "Asia/Shanghai" > /etc/timezone
- Cannot visit via ip
please find and update app.conf
http.addr= # listen on all ip addresses
Then restart Leanote
- The initial accounts:
user1 username: admin, password: abc123 (administrator who can manage Leanote)
user2 username:, password: (just for demonstration)
- disable demo account
demo account is a normal account acutally, can operate all resource in this account, It's recommended to disable it, you can deny the URL /demo.
server {
# ignore some config
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
location /demo {
deny all;
- config site.url
Config site.url in conf/app.conf file, it's the url in you browser, if not, you will not be able to logout in homepage, and some resource will not access in blog page.