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About calendarevents

calendarevents is a Pluggable calendars and events application for TurboGears2. It permits to create events which are associated to entities defined inside the application which plugs it in.

Calendarevents provides support for multiple calendars and event types, by defining new event types it is possible to define how the event relates to external entities like a blog post that describes it.

When displaying events if available weather informations for the day and location of the event will be provided.


calendarevents can be installed both from pypi or from bitbucket:

easy_install tgapp-calendarevents

should just work for most of the users

Plugging calendarevents

In your application config/ import plug:

from tgext.pluggable import plug

Then at the end of the file call plug with calendarevents:

plug(base_config, 'calendarevents', event_types=[...])

At least one event type must be defined inside the event_types argument. Defining event types is explained inside the Event Types section.

You will be able to access the calendars at http://localhost:8080/calendarevents.

Event Types

calendarevents needs the application to define at least one EventType to work.

Event types must be defined inheriting from the calendarevents.EventType class, for example to define an event for a concert which relates to a blog article that describes the concert itself:

from tw2.core.js import js_function
from tw2.core.resources import JSLink, CSSLink

class Concert(EventType):
    name = 'Concert'
    resources = [
        JSLink(modname='calendarevents.public', filename='js/calendarevents.js'),
        CSSLink(modname='calendarevents.public', filename='css/fullcalendar.css')
    events = {'eventClick': js_function('calendarevents.eventClick'),
              'dayClick': js_function('calendarevents.dayClick')}

    def get_linkable_entities(self, calendar):
        return [(a.uid, a.title) for a in model.DBSession.query(model.Article)]

    def get_linked_entity_info(self, event):
        return model.DBSession.query(model.Article).get(event.linked_entity_id).title

    def get_linked_entity_url(self, event):
        return tg.url('/blog/view/%s' % event.linked_entity_id)

plug(base_config, 'calendarevents', event_types=[Concert()])

Event types can also specify some additional options to change the calendevents behavior. If the EventType specifies force_redirect = True as a class property whenever the event page is opened the user gets redirected to the linked entity url. EventType can also update the calendar informations be exposing a calendar_data(self, event) -> dict method that can return any additional information for the event (for example it can mark the event as allDay or not).

resources are required only if you want to use js_hooks for fullcalendar events. resources should be a list of toscaWidget injected resources,

events are the injected js methods for overriding js_hooks.


If you want to use js_hooks you must inject resource in your event type, see prior section. for now supported events for the js_hooks are eventClick and dayClick.

The .js hook script can follow this example:

(function(w) {
  w.calendarevents = {
    eventClick: function(base_url, event, view) {
      window.location.href = base_url+event.uid;
    dayClick: function(base_url, date, allDay, view) {

note: if you inject js_hooks you replace the default behavior note: from version 0.2.0 date holds a moment for the clicked day

Exposed Partials

calendarevents exposes a partial to render event boxes inside other pages:

  • calendarevents.partials:event(event) - Renders an event box

Calendar Partial

calendarevents.partials:calendar(cal, view='month', all_day_slot=False, start_from=datetime.utcnow())

The calendar partial expose a partial with just a calendar, parameters accepted are:

  • cal -> (required) the calendar object, for now the js events are managed only by the event_type assigned to

    that calendar

  • event_sources -> a dictionary in the following format:

    {'event_sources': [{'events': availability_events_list,
                        'color': 'Blue',
                        'text_color': ''},
                       {'events': occupation_events_list,
                        'color': 'Red',
                        'text_color': ''}]}

    color and text_color are optional, events should be a list of event.calendar_data property, if you did not provide this, events are taken from cal object

  • start_from -> (datetime) starting calendar date

  • view -> (String) (default value "month") type of the calendar view (month, basicWeek, basicDay, agendaWeek, agendaDay, custom_days)

  • all_day_slot -> (Bool) (default value: False) Event slot are displayed for all day or for the real time slot

  • slot_minutes -> (Int or String) (default value: '00:15:00' or 15) Minutes slot duration, if is integer slot_minutes < 60

  • first_hour -> (Int or String) (default value: '08:00:00' or 8) First hour displayed

  • time_format -> (String) (default value: "HH:mm"), the display format for time

  • column_format -> (String) (default value: "D/M"), the display format for column date

  • first_day -> (Int) (default value: 0), the fist day of week

  • day_to_show -> (Int) (default value: 8), day to show in view custom days

  • slot_label_interval -> (String) (default value: '01:00:00'), Interval of the slot label


inside calendarvents.lib.utils you can find a bunch of utils to view and manage events and calendar:

  • create_calendar(name, events_type) - create a new calendar, events_type should be a string
  • get_calendar(calendar_id) - retrieve the calendar for the given calendar_id
  • create_event(cal, name, summary, datetime, location, linked_entity_type, linked_entity_id, end_time) - create a new calendar_event
  • get_event(event_id) - retrieve the calendar_event for the given event_id
  • get_calendar_events_from_datetime(calendar, start_time, active) retrieve all the active calendar_event for the given calendar starting from the given start_time
  • get_calendar_day_events(calendar, start_time, active) retrieve all the active calendar_event for the given calendar and the given start_time
  • get_calendar_events_in_range(calendar, start_time, end_time, active) - retrieve all the active calendar_event for the given calendar and the given range of time (start_time - end_time)
  • deactivate_event(event_id) - deactivate a calendar_event, by default standard get event utils retrieve only active events
  • activate_event(event_id) - put the calendar_event in active state