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Components: Repository and source code

nadeempat edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 5 revisions

A repository is used by Amazon CodeCatalyst to store code. The repository takes a name as an input. Most components are stored in a repository, such as source code files, workflows, and other components like MDE Workspaces. The source repository component also exports components used for managing files and static assets. Repositories have name constraints. For more information, see Source repositories in CodeCatalyst.

const repository = new SourceRepository(this, {
  title: 'my-new-repository-title',

In your blueprint.ts, file, add the following:

import {...} from '@amazon-codecatalyst/blueprint-component.source-repositories'

Adding a file

You can write a text file to a repository with the SourceFile construct. The operation is one of the most common use cases and takes a repository, a filepath, and text contents. If the file path doesn't exist within a repository, the component creates all the required folders.

new SourceFile(repository, `path/to/my/file/in/repo/file.txt`, 'my file contents');

Note: If you write two files to the same location within the same repository, the most recent implementation overwrites the previous one. You can use the feature to layer generated code, and it's especially useful for extending over the code that the custom blueprints may have generated.

Adding a generic file

You can write arbitrary bits to your repository. You can read from a buffer and use the File construct.

new File(repository, `path/to/my/file/in/repo/file.img`, new Buffer(...));

new File(repository, `path/to/my/file/in/repo/new-img.img`, new StaticAsset('path/to/image.png').content());

Copying files

You can get started with generated code by copying and pasting starter code and then generating more code on top of that base. Place the code inside the static-assets directory, and then target that code with the StaticAsset construct. The path in this case always begins at the root of the static-assets directory.

const starterCode = new StaticAsset('path/to/file/file.txt')
const starterCodeText = new StaticAsset('path/to/file/file.txt').toString()
const starterCodeRawContent = new StaticAsset('path/to/image/hello.png').content()

const starterCodePath = new StaticAsset('path/to/image/hello.png').path()
// starterCodePath is equal to 'path/to/image/hello.png'

A subclass of StaticAsset is SubstitutionAsset. The subclass functions exactly the same, but instead you can run a mustache substitution over the file instead. It can be useful for performing copy-and-style generation.

Note: Running a substitute over files that aren't text-interpretable can produce errors.

const starterCodeText = new SubstitionAsset('path/to/file/file.txt').subsitite({
  'my_variable': 'subbed value1',
  'another_variable': 'subbed value2'

Targeting multiple files

Static assets support glob targeting through a static function on StaticAsset and its subclasses called findAll(...), which returns a list of static assets preloaded with their paths, contents, and more. You can chain the list with File constructions to copy and paste contents in the static-assets directory.

StaticAsset.findAll().forEach(item => {
  new File(repository, item.path(), item.content());

Alternatively, you can target just .md files under a specific folder and its subfolders in static-assets, and substitute the same variables in each file.

SubstitionAsset.findAll('my-folder/**/*.md').forEach(item => {
  new SourceFile(repository, item.path(), item.subsitite({
    'my_variable': 'subbed value1',
    'another_variable': 'subbed value2'

Creating a new repository and adding files

You can use a repository component to create a new repository in a generated project. You can then add files or workflows to the created repository.

import { SourceRepository } from '@caws-blueprint-component/caws-source-repositories';
const repository = new SourceRepository(this, { title: 'myRepo' });

The following example shows how to add files and workflows to an existing repository:

import { SourceFile } from '@amazon-codecatalyst/codecatalyst-source-repositories';
import { Workflow } from '@amazon-codecatalyst/codecatalyst-workflows';
new SourceFile(repository, '', 'This is the content of my readme');
new Workflow(this, repository, {/**...workflowDefinition...**/});

Combining the two pieces of code generates a single repository named myRepo with a source file and a CodeCatalyst workflow at the root.