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Component: Workflows

Alexander Forsyth edited this page Jan 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

A workflow is used by Amazon CodeCatalyst projects to run actions based on triggers. You can use workflow components to build and put together workflow YAML files. For more information, see the workflows schema reference and Workflow definition reference.

In your blueprint.ts file, add the following:

import {...} from '@amazon-codecatalyst/blueprint-component.workflows'

Workflow components examples

WorkflowBuilder component

You can use a class to build a Workflow definition. The definition can be given to a workflow component for rendering in a repository.

import { WorkflowBuilder } from '@amazon-codecatalyst/blueprint-component.workflows'

const workflowBuilder = new WorkflowBuilder({} as Blueprint, {
  Name: 'my_workflow',

// trigger the workflow on pushes to branch 'main'

// add a build action
  // give the action a name
  actionName: 'build_and_do_some_other_stuff',

  // the action pulls from source code
  input: {
    Sources: ['WorkflowSource'],

  // the output attempts to autodiscover test reports, but not in the node modules
  output: {
    AutoDiscoverReports: {
      Enabled: true,
      ReportNamePrefix: AutoDiscovered,
      IncludePaths: ['**/*'],
      ExcludePaths: ['*/node_modules/**/*'],
  // execute some arbitrary steps
  steps: [
    'npm install',
    'npm run myscript',
    'echo hello-world',
  // add an account connection to the workflow
  environment: convertToWorkflowEnvironment(myEnv),

Workflow Projen component

The following is a Projen component that writes a workflow YAML to a repository:

import { Workflow } from '@caws-blueprint-component/caws-workflows'


const repo = new SourceRepository
const blueprint = this;
const workflowDef = workflowBuilder.getDefinition()

// creates a workflow.yaml at .aws/workflows/${}.yaml
new Workflow(blueprint, repo, workflowDef);

// can also pass in any object and have it rendered as a yaml. This is unsafe and may not produce a valid workflow
new Workflow(blueprint, repo, {... some object ...});

Connecting to an environment

Many workflows need to run in an AWS account connection. Workflows handle this by allowing actions to connect to environments with account and role name specifications.

import { convertToWorkflowEnvironment } from '@caws-blueprint-component/caws-workflows'

const myEnv = new Environment(...);

// can be passed into a workflow constructor
const workflowEnvironment = convertToWorkflowEnvironment(myEnv);

// add a build action
  // add an account connection to the workflow
  environment: convertToWorkflowEnvironment(myEnv),