Table of contents:
- Amazon Alexa Developer Account
- AWS Account
- AWS costs from this project
- Hardware shopping list for Smart Mirror
Create or have access to Amazon Developer Services account - sign-up is free - if you do not have account then create one
NOTE: This account owns your Alexa skill for Smart Mirror. Make sure the account you are using is the same account you use in your Alexa device (Phone / Echo) and connect this with AWS CodeStar
If you do not have existing AWS account please see instructions how to create one.
Please see Create and activate AWS Account
NOTE: We use AWS region Ireland (eu-west-1) throughout examples - other regions should work as well.
This solution will incur cost based on your usage.
- Used services are AWS Free Tier eligible
Free tier covers:
- EC2 for Cloud9 (running only when IDE is used - by default it shuts down after 30 minutes)
- Persistent storage (S3 Artifacts + EBS for Cloud9)
- Data Transfer out is free up to 100GB
- One active AWS CodePipeline
Additional costs: There is cost per on-premise AWS CodeDeploy deployment as per
Estimation of cost outside of Free Tier is less than 1$ per month - depending on number of deployments you make.
Smart Mirror HW components shopping list
Shopping List - with examples - please use shop near you:
- Mirror - best is a round mirror with diameter as close to 31.83cm / 12.53in as possible
- LED strip - 1 meter programmable (preferable adafruit neopixel):
- Raspberry Pi 4 model B 8 GB: (4GB model or even Raspberry Pi 3 should also work, but see GPIO ports is using PI 3)
- Raspberry Pi Power Supply (USB C, 5V 3+A) - please use good quality power supply to have enough power for 60 LEDs
- SD Card:
- Electronics:
- Capacitor 1000 uF (set)
- Resistor 470 Ohm (set)
- Breadboard
- Some Cables for the Breadboard e.g. Female/Male and Male/Male
- Some Cable to connect Breadboard/Raspberry Pi with LED strip
- Alexa Echo - any echo (e.g echo dot 3 with bluetooth will work)